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Content Marketing, a Winning Strategy on the Internet

What is Content Marketing? Content marketing or content marketing is the art of organizing valuable content and distributing it for free with the double idea of ​​fascinating new prospective customers (prospects) and building loyalty to your current...

What are Vanity Metrics? How Should we Identify it?

Any indicator used in isolation to give a good impression about a business's performance is called vanity metric, without taking into account the relationship of that indicator with other KPIs or variables. A vanity metric provides...

What is Inbound Marketing? How Does it Work?

Inbound marketing is a strategy based on attracting customers with useful, relevant content and adding value at each stage of the buyer's journey. Potential customers find your business through different channels such as blogs, search engines,...



Customized Gifts For New Employees in 2022

If you're looking to welcome a new employee to your team with a personalized gift, you've come to the right place. We have a...

How Storytelling Impacts the Brain

Storytelling Impacts the Brain For at least 30,000 years, from what we know from cave writing and paintings, stories are the most effective way of...

What is Content creation? And How it Works?

"Content creation" is a term that in digital marketing means to produce texts, articles, images, videos, audios (or any combination of formats), which offer information or...

Video Post: The Video Content that Triumphs in Social Networks

Video Content The video post is here to stay and is not a new fashion. At first, Vine from Twitter, then Periscope ... and the video format in social networks do not...

Best Tips on Choosing the Right Restaurant Furniture

Sometimes it's the little things that make the largest difference, and in the case of a restaurant, one of those little things may be...