Six key Points for a Website to Create your Competitor Analysis Report

Monitoring specific areas of your competitors’ web pages should be part of any effort to create a minimally serious competitor analysis report today.

The days when web pages were conceptualized as a pretty colourful billboard on the information highway are long gone. Now efforts to create attractive websites that generate large amounts of income for businesses are a priority.

And that means carrying out tests and constant changes in both the structure and the content.

Therefore, it is necessary to create a complete competition report, including the aspects related to your competitor’s web pages structure and make a precise and powerful focus on the changes in them.

First, It is quite a challenge. After all, you don’t have time and secondly because you don’t know what to watch out for.

Well then, to great ills, better remedies.

First, I will tell you 11 key points that you must monitor to create a complete competitor analysis report, and then I will talk about the tools you can use to do this work on your own.

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1. Identify all the “Hook zones.”

These areas remain called CTA- call to action in English that seeks to offer something attractive in exchange for the user’s email.

Monitoring these hooks is important because it is the starting point of any web strategy to get customers. In this way, knowing what our clients offer as a claim to capture and obtain the contact email of a possible prospect is a good idea to inspire us and understand what may be more attractive for our clients.

2. Search for Events

These can already be face-to-face or online through webinars. What we seek by monitoring this type of information on the{ website }of our competition is to discover:

  • What type of content do they share?
  • How often do these types of events take place?
  • What are your goals?
  • How are you promoting the events? Do you use any software? What type of information do they ask for in return?
  • How many people participate?

All of this information can help you improve your promotion strategy by looking at the language and resources they use and the type of questions and issues they receive and resolve.

3. Monitor Changes in the Website Menu

The menu of any web page is a declaration of intent by any company. It tells us what is important to them from minute 1.

The menu usually marks the order of priorities of the contents of any web page. Indicating which are the topics they talk about, which they consider most relevant and seek to highlight.  It is one of the key features to decipher the content marketing strategy of any business.

  • A poor menu will indicate a total lack of strategy in online content
  • A well-worked and well-calculated menu will show us what remain most relevant for your competitors

For this reason, any change detected in the menu must remain taken as something important within the competitor’s strategy worthy of being included in any report of the competition.

4. News

Keeping an eye on this section can always alert you to news about a competitor much faster than with any other used alert service such as Spunge or Google Alerts.

5. Partners and Alliances

The surveillance of these areas can always provide us with knowledge about collaborating with our competitors and their distribution and support strategy. Besides, in certain industries, you can put us under the trail of companies and organizations that may remain attracted to being part of your network of alliances.

6. Prices and Plans

It is a key area for many companies. Especially when electronic commerce continues to gain weight within many economic activity sectors, many traditional services begin to remain contacted over the Internet.

Following the changes in prices will help you remain aware of your competitors and what remain more important to act consistently when faced with important price changes in your competitors.

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