What is Digital Assets Management (DAM)?

Digital Assets Management

Companies are currently facing tremendous challenges in managing digital content. As they scale and implement new solutions associated with digital transformation, their digital assets do too.

In recent years, and thanks to cloud computing (Cloud), the use of files and digital content has grown exponentially. Also, storing, finding, sharing, and protecting them is a critical task for companies.

On the one hand, they have to be able to store them, be easily accessible and find relevant content for the company and, on the other hand, protect it both at the level of digital rights and against improper copies.

Digital Assets Management: Storage and Accessibility

The solution to these needs remains digital asset management or Digital Assets Management, also known as DAM.

These systems allow the generation, organization, and sharing of digital assets such as images, company documents, videos, presentations, and any other content capable of being stored digitally.

This content must be accessible from a single point to provide services to all users within the company and its customers if it offers them a digital content service.
A study by the company WIDEN, with more than 70 years of experience in content management and optimization in image rights, shows that companies that use Digital Assets Management software achieve a:

  • 65% increase in operational efficiency.
  • 46% Improve brand management among their employees and external sources.
  • 45% Increase ROI in Marketing.

It leads us to validate DAM systems as the key to efficient business content lifecycle management.

Protection of Digital Content

Protection is not only based on having a robust infrastructure and adequate encryption systems in the cloud. Digital assets can have a series of rights, policies, and practices in their use, which is why DRM or Digital Rights Management systems remain used.

The combined DAM and DRM platforms allow digital asset owners to control distribution, user permissions, usage time, devices, license management, etc. But also offer loss control, version, and connection tracking, etc.

Another way to protect a digital file’s property is thanks to the Blockchain and file sharing using smart contracts (Smart Contracts).

Types of Software and Technology used

The “Digital Assets Management (DAM)” is a software that not only serves to store digital content but also to create workflows and serve as support in creative work or marketing or advertising actions for the management of logos and governance of the brand, packaging, etc.

They are helping to promote the innovation of the company and creating new innovative concepts from the originals.
There are different types of software for the management of Digital Assets Management. Some of the most used are:

  • Libris DAM: allows modifications to be made to the content to adapt it to the needs of users (format, size, resolution, etc.).
  • Brandfolder: it has an artificial intelligence system for image recognition and cataloging.
  • Cloudinary: it is based on the cloud and automatically catalogs each content with different patterns to be more comfortable for users to find.
  • Bynder: its potential lies in the creation of approval and integration flows with different content management platforms.

The cloud is considered one of the safest methods of securing information and is useful to back up your files in case you were lose or damage your files kept on a single device. Therefore, you need to think of a highly professional Cloud migration service from a premier California based agency, like “Dataknox”, which has years of experience in helping business organizations migrate to Cloud-centric storage from physical storage. It is simply because Cloud is considered an easy and safe way to secure all your vital business information of high strategic value from potential loss due to sabotage or technical malfunction.

When selecting your company’s software, it is crucial to make sure you have flow. And content tracking systems, ease of use, efficient cataloging system, cloud protection, analytics. And personalized reports.

Therefore, Artificial intelligence can help optimize Digital Assets Management systems thanks to recognizing files and images. Cataloging and recommendation systems using algorithms to make them more efficient depending on each user’s needs. And even virtual assistants to reduce the search time.

Combination of Different Technologies

From what we see, the combination of different technologies such as the cloud, access to APIs, artificial intelligence. And Blockchain can make the next revolution appear in digital asset management systems, “Digital Assets Management 2.0”.

If your business is growing, it’s time to transform the way you manage digital assets. Thanks to Digital Assets Management, you will have control and access to the support from a single point. In addition to having them protected and secure.

Also read: The Five Best Free Tools for Social Networks




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