How to Promote your Karaoke Bar via Email Marketing

As COVID-19 fades away and people start returning to a more populated normal, nightlife activities are one of the greatest hubs of business. From dance clubs to restaurants to karaoke bars, business is teeming and so is the competition, letting only the most promising of ventures make it to the top.

Karaoke bars are the perfect mix of nightlife entertainment and fun, and while you’re already on the way to success by owning such a business, you’re going to need some robust marketing to really cement your name among the big guns.

And what better way to put yourself out there than with some good old email marketing? Effective and tested, email marketing paves the road to business success, propelling your business forward. Not an email marketer? No worries, you don’t have to be!

Just follow my top tips and ideas on how to promote your karaoke bar via email, and you’ll soon taste success!

1. Flyering it Up!

Believe it or not, flyers are all the rage – yes, even today! The trick is all in the design – and the placement, of course. But how is a flyer going to help you with email marketing? By adding to it, obviously!

Emails with visuals are much more likely to catch the reader’s attention when opened, and adding a digital flyer to your email is the perfect way to drive up your email success rate. And if you’re not a designer then there’s no need to worry because PosterMyWall offers dozens of karaoke flyer templates, all perfect for your next email marketing ideas.

Simply head onto the platform and choose a template of your preference, easily editing and customizing it until the end result is in line with what you need. And did you know? You can do all this for free – no hidden charges – truly making for a budget-friendly and user-friendly design experience. So, whether it’s a karaoke night flyer you need to design or a karaoke contest flyer, PosterMyWall is your go-to place.

2.Double Opens For the Win

With email marketing, it’s all about strategy, and one of the best strategies to get your emails noticed is the double opens trick. What is the double opens trick, you ask? Well, simply put, the double opens strategy involved sending the same email – yes, no new content needed – to people that didn’t open it the first time around.

All you’re going to change is the subject line, that’s it. The ideal send time gap to observe is a period of three to five days, and of course, you’re going to need to put some thought into the subject line itself – you’re looking for something catchy that makes the user stop. Be sure to add in a karaoke theme as you’re trying to promote your karaoke bar, and soon with the power of the double opens you’ll witness higher email marketing ROI and email open statistics.

3. CTAs that Pull

The end purpose of email marketing would be to get more customers walking into your karaoke bar. And if your email isn’t doing that, then it’s money down the drain. That’s where CTAs – or call to actions – come in.

CTAs help transfer users from your email to your karaoke bar’s website or social media page, prompting them to reach out and either make a booking or hop on a call to get more information. Within email marketing, it’s important to make your CTA stand out beyond the generic ‘buy now’ – get creative with your ideas and think outside of the box.

And if you’re not the best with words then hire a copywriter! The content that they provide will be well worth the spend – it’ll convert into a full house!

4. Monitor your Frequency

Yes, there is a thing such as too many emails, and there’s also a thing such as too few emails. Confusing, isn’t it? You want to be careful not to frustrate your user by flooding their inbox, but you also don’t want them to forget you if all you do is pop up once every few months.

And since you’ll have tons of things to oversee when it comes to your karaoke bar, you can make this easier for yourself by using frequency capping through a tool. Designed to send the desired number of emails to your readers, frequency capping allows businesses to monitor their email activity, ensuring that users aren’t a victim of email inundation or skip over.

Simply set your desired number and you’re all set to go!

So, if you’re running a karaoke bar in the hottest spot of the city then it’s time for you to expand those wings and enter into the world of email marketing. Happy sending!