What is SEO in Digital Marketing? And Its Factors?

SEO in Digital Marketing

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a common optimization technique for sites, blogs, and pages on the web. These optimizations seek to attain good organic positioning, generating traffic and authority for a location or blog and for this, many turn to strategicSEOsolutions.com.

One of the most significant ambitions of companies investing in  Digital Marketing is to reach the top positions in search engines. Whether you operate as a debt collection specialist like First credit services or a boutique law firm like Fair Credit, optimizing your company’s visibility online is vital to sustained growth – after all, who doesn’t want free clicks and more visitors to their site?

Though being on the Internet is not sufficient to agree that your site, e-commerce, or blog achieves a place on the first page of Google: it is necessary to invest in a specific strategy to optimize results and ensure that your business reaches a good position.

In the past, all you had to do was include relevant keywords in your content and voila! You attract visitors to your website. However, over the years, there has been a rapid growth in the number of internet users—both content creators and consumers. As such, the competition for top positions in the search engine results has become quite stiff.

But that’s not to say that you cannot be successful in the current online environment. In fact,Reaching the right positions on the results pages may be more within your reach than you imagine. You can do many optimizations on your site and your content to improve your reader’s experience and become an excellent result in search engines’ eyes.

Of course, if you’re a beginner or have a lot of things on your to-do list, you can hire an outsourced CMO to implement your marketing strategies. This will ensure that you grow your customer base without compromising other areas of your business operations. Nevertheless, you must understand the basic factors about a successful SEO for you to gain any notable success in the online market.. Read on to learn more!

It’s those optimizations we call SEO!

The Main Factors of SEO on Page are:

Content Quality

There are two central factors for ranking in Google: length and quality of content.

Since the introduction of Google Panda, the algorithm has sought to identify low-quality content to optimize the community’s results.

The better your content, the better the chances you will figure in the SERPs’ first positions.

So, how does Google Panda filter out low quality content? Well, the algorithm looks at a number of signals that suggest whether the content is useful to the user. These signals range from topic relevance to the level of expertise notable. 

Inasmuch as appearing among the top rankings should be among your goals, it’s imperative that you aim at satisfying the needs of your audience and all other things will automatically fall into place.

Content Size

The size directly influences the positioning of Google. In research conducted by Search IQ, the average length of top-ranked content was approximately 2,500 words.

That’s because Google searches for the full complete content, which clarifies the doubts of readers.

But that is not a law! It all depends on just how your person reacts to your content’s dimension, and, mostly, does your content fully answer the question that led you to it?

Irrespective of the text’s size, the person wants to read your content and have all their questions answered. Otherwise, they will look for another text that better clarifies their questions.

Implementation of SEO and Online Marketing Plan

An online marketing plan’s primary function is to combine marketing strategies and tactics to achieve one or more macro objectives. Or what is the same, to be able to sell more. To be able to implement these you’ll need a concrete marketing plan. Asking help from a digital marketing agency could be a great step to know how to gain more followers online and reach out to your target audience organically.

Disciplines of SEO in Digital Marketing

To achieve this, all the disciplines of digital marketing,  including SEO, must work together. In unity, both communication strategies, social networks, web positioning, and paid advertising actions (online and offline) complement each other. And become feedback so that the online marketing plan comes to fruition.

Once the marketing plan remains created, it must remain put into operation. We have approved the marketing consultancy, defined the macro and micro objectives, analyzed the company and the competition in-depth, carried out a complete SEO audit, created the SWOT, represented the target audience, etc.

It is time to land the whole theory and put it into practice. One of the first tasks to be done to gain online visibility (web positioning) is to activate content marketing.

To start all this marketing machinery, we need a starting point, which could be the SEO strategy and the communication strategy. Carry out a good Keyword Research that, together with its marketing manager, discovers those themes and terms that can contribute the most to achieving the objectives.

The  SEO approach must pursue the queries and need for information of users at each stage of it.

Concepts and search typologies must be related to each of the stages.

For each type of stage and need, a content strategy will remain defined that impacts the results.

To do this, we will divide the terms and themes found by consumer stages, search intention, and search volume.

Stages of the consumer:

  • Attention: The public is aware of your product/service; the alert of your potential customers remains activated.
  • Interest: The part of the public that, knowing your brand, is interested in it; maybe because it can cover some need.
  • Desire: Among those who have been interested, those who want to own it; you have persuaded potential customers that they need your brand
  • Action: They like it, they want it, or they will speak well of your brand.

Search intent:

  • Navigational: the customer is trying to reach a specific site.
  • Informational: the user is looking for information.
  • Transactional: the user is looking to buy.

Once the terms and themes that will remain working on have remained defined, we will proceed to make an  editorial calendar activating all the departments involved  to maximize each piece of content both organically and paid:

SEO Department

Definition, content generation, and optimization of the same to obtain the most significant impact in the SERPs (search results) and thus gain organic visibility.

Social Networks Department

To amplify the impact and the message where the user is.

Advertising Department (SEM)

Enhance the user’s presence and impact with remarketing/retargeting strategies.

Development Department

Implementing email marketing and marketing automation strategies, segmenting the database based on users’ needs and interests.

Design Department

Designing creatives and infographics so that each piece of content has more possibilities of attracting traffic.

Video Marketing

Generation of videos to enhance the message/product on those platforms with a large audience such as YouTube and Vimeo and make each piece of content more attractive to the user and thus be able to increase the brand’s memory or product.

Also read: SEO for YouTube: Position your Videos above all