What To Look for in a Digital Marketing Agency

If you don’t have the time or resources to look after your company’s digital marketing, you will need to choose the right agency to get the best possible outcome.

A digital marketing agency can specialize in all areas of marketing, from website to social, PPC to SEO.

It will depend on what type of digital marketing you need when it comes to deciding who to hire: do you want someone to look after your social media? Or do you need a full rebrand or a new website? Keep these questions in mind when doing your research.

There are certain traits to a marketing company you should also look out for when doing your search. This blog will discuss signs of a good digital marketing agency, from an easy-to-use website to a good portfolio.

An Impressive Portfolio

The first step to choosing a digital marketing agency is looking at their portfolio. You can see the type of clients they’ve worked with previously, and they should be proud of the work they’ve produced.

Looking at a portfolio is especially important if you’re looking for graphic design work.

This is a good chance to see if they’ve worked with a variety of clients or if they tend to specialize in one type of area. You can also use this to work out if they are a good match for your company.

A Team with Experience

You want a team of marketers who know their stuff. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Check the company’s LinkedIn to see their staff members and take a look at their experience. If you know you want to focus on SEO, have a look at their SEO Executive’s experience. Or if you want a website rebrand, make sure they have a good graphic designer on their team.

Great Reviews

Take a look at reviews to see what their previous clients have said as this can be very telling about how the agency has treated clients in the past. They may also reveal some important information such as how long the project took and how much they kept the client updated.

A Good Social Presence

A digital marketing company should have an impressive social media presence. It can highlight their company’s culture, previous work and industry expertise. If you’re wanting them to look after your own social media accounts, you should make sure to check out how they conduct their own.

An Easy-To-Use Website

For customers to stay on your website and make a purchase, you need an easy-to use, well-designed website. With this in mind, a digital marketing company should have a website that is an example of this. If they can’t design themselves a good website, what makes you think they can do so for you?

They Have Realistic Goals

If a marketing company starts making over the top promises, you should see this as a big red flag.

Listen to what they’re claiming to have done in the past, and what they’re promising you. If they’re saying things that seem completely unrealistic, it probably is. You want to work with a company that is realistic and transparent with you.

They’re Easy to Contact

You shouldn’t struggle to get in touch with a digital marketing agency. Their contact details should be clear and easy to find on their website, and if you get in touch, you should hear back from them quickly.

If they don’t stay in touch with you or take a while to get back, you may want to think about whether they’re a good match for you. Your digital marketing is important and if you have emergencies, such as your website going down, you want to be able to trust that they’ll get back to you quickly.

Find the Right Agency for You

If you’ve never had to work with a digital marketing agency before, it’s important to do some homework to find the right company for you. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions, they’ll be happy to help you understand the process and clear up anything you aren’t sure about.