11 Steps to Writing Your First Corporate Blog Post

Writing Your First Corporate Blog Post

The current trend in marketing is to attract and woo customers through web content. It is why a corporate blog can be your best ally. If you want to venture into content marketing, it is important to consider these points to be successful when writing the first publication of your corporate blog.

Step 1: Know your Audience

Before starting content marketing and starting to post on a blog of beginner’s choice, you should be clear about who this space will be aimed at . It is about your potential customers and to know them. It would be best if you did a market study that allows you to collect information that helps define the buyer’s persona through the most detailed and precise segmentation possible.

Knowing your audience means knowing what their tastes, habits, and tendencies are, so you can understand their interests and write something attractive and useful to them. It is important that your publications’ tone and language go according to each segment of your audience, be close, modern, and at the same time professional.

Step 2: Create your Domain

It would be best to host this first blog post and all the others to come if you had a domain. Some multiple platforms and resources allow you to create your environments, such as HubSpot, and the possibility of hosting and editing all the content marketing production for your blog.

Having your domain is essential because it will give the blog a distinctive and professional touch, making it easier for search engines like Google to index your web content and show it to users.

Step 3: Define the First Topic for your Blog

Consider that the theme should be following the heading of your company. For example, if you have a beautician or a hairdresser, you could talk about treatments for a certain type of hair. It may be that you present a comparison between brands of hair products, or perhaps you prefer to talk about your experience with specific cases of your clients.

The goal is to create interesting web content that can attract a certain segment of your audience, and you should think carefully about the topic of your first blog post, as it will set the tone for creating subsequent posts. Sure, you can always renew your content strategy, but the first publication’s impact is the “eye hit” that users will have with your site.

Step 4: The Best Name for your Blog

Before creating your domain, you should think about the name for your blog. It must be original, engage the public, and go according to your brand’s graphic image and values ​​. It would be best if you liked the name, but it should also be original and easy to remember. Try to avoid another blog with a name the same or too similar to yours.

It is advisable to brainstorm to choose between different possibilities and even ask approximately people who are part of your target audience about what they think of these options. For a corporate blog, it is common to include the company’s name, although it can be combined with other elements. It takes a lot of creativity but also patience. They may take a couple of weeks before choosing a last name but don’t worry. It is an important part of the process.

Step 5: Focus on the Introduction

Remember that the first two lines of your text should catch the reader. The introduction should be brief, explain what the rest of the publication will be about, and explain why it is important to address that specific topic in a maximum of 3-4 lines.

To assess whether the introduction meets these characteristics, review it several times and test with other people if necessary. It is also convenient to write a meta description (synthesis) of the article that includes your keywords since that will directly impact your site’s SEO positioning

Step 6: Brainstorm and Choose a Format Before you Start

It’s easier to write when you have a structure defined for your post. You can choose from different forms: you can make a list of characteristics of a product or provision that you offer, make a comparative article where you highlight the pros and cons of a specific topic, make an infographic or contextualize a photographic series.

It is important that your writing has an introduction and a conclusion where you can make a call to action, the first inviting them to read and the second to carry out a specific act, such as downloading an eBook or filling out a form you can contact them. Also, define before starting to write what the extension of the content will be and if it includes images, specify the photography style, technique, and color Pantone.

Step 7: Write, Write and Write

Once you have the topic and the map that will guide the structure, it is time to write your first post. Since it is a subject that you master, it will not be very difficult to do so, although it is always advisable to seek additional information.

Suppose you are going to include facts and figures. In that case, it is convenient that you go to the sources and have the links so that the reader can consult them and always verify the integrity of your references to maintain the quality of your blog.

The most important thing is that your content is original. On the Internet, it is common to find almost identical publications on different sites. Your audience could be disappointed or lose interest if they find that your first publication’s topic has already been addressed in the same way in other blogs. Avoid plagiarism at all costs.

Step 8: Define a Personal Writing Style

Choose a tone that suits your audience. You don’t address a young person in the same way as an older adult daily. Well, you shouldn’t do it on your blog either. Define when it is appropriate to handle more or less closeness and certain humorous resources, but do so with caution, unless it goes according to the profile of your brand.

It is recommended that your first publication is not so long to avoid scaring readers, nor so short that it may seem unprofessional. Be concise, write short sentences and paragraphs that allow for fluid reading and make an eye-catching publication that includes images, gif, and videos, that will make it easier for users to want to click and share it on their social networks.

Step 9: Edit the Content

Writing is rewriting, and no text will be ready in an hour, not even one made by an experienced professional. You should read and review it several times, verifying that it is coherent and follows a structure to maintain the readers’ interest. Debug the language: avoid elaborate words and phrases.

Before posting, show your text to other people to see if it’s understandable. Check and be very careful with the spelling because a text with mistakes would cause a bad impression of your blog and your brand.

An excellent technique is to read the content out loud to achieve distance and to be able to evaluate it objectively. Other tips copy in Word, Pages, or any program with an automatic correction to identify spelling mistakes and punctuation errors.

Step 10: Select your keywords

Learn to choose the keywords or keywords for your publications, as this will ensure a good SEO positioning to have a greater reach and make your content marketing strategy successful.

There are tools like Google AdWords that help you filter between different keywords to choose the most effective ones. You can also do research on Google and test which sites appear first according to the words you have used for searches, but the most important thing is to listen and take into account your audience, who will guide you in choosing keywords.

Consider search volume, impressions, and CTR as quality indicators. Think about how your audience could find you. We are talking about single words and phrases, and when you identify them, incorporate them in a very subtle way in titles, meta descriptions, and throughout the content.

Step 11: Create an Impactful Headline

You must create a title that impacts and attracts the attention of your readers. Think of the terms that best define the content’s subject and use the support of figures, interesting adjectives ( essential, fun, impressive, effortless, strange ), and attractive nouns ( tips, tricks, secrets, reasons ).

It is recommended that you include some of your keywords in the title to improve search engine rankings, but only if you can do it naturally. Before posting, double-check the label and see if you can shorten it because titles with too many words usually don’t work well.

Please take into account these recommendations to facilitate the first publication of your blog. Although there is no infallible recipe, you must address each of these points to do things right. Over time you will see that practice is the best teacher, and if you are constant, in a short time, your spirit can have a blog that stands out and enchants the public.