5 Must-See Attractions in Porto

The city of Porto is one of the most beautiful, must-see destinations for a trip to Portugal. On the edge of southwest Europe, Portugal is located on the coastline near the country of Morocco. It’s bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the country of Spain. The crowning jewel of Portugal is the city of Porto.

Located on the northwest coast of Portugal, Porto has long been a destination city for anyone deciding to travel to Portugal. With cobbled streets, beautiful bridges, incredible architecture, and all right next to the breathtaking Atlantic, Porto is one of the most popularly visited cities in the entire country. With luggage storage in Porto made easy and safe thanks to Bounce, visiting this city should be something you set your sites on!

These are the top five must-see attractions in Porto if it’s on your destination list this year!

The Bolsa Palace

If there’s one thing that Porto doesn’t lack, it’s incredible architecture. The eye-popping Bolsa Palace is no exception. This stately palace is one of the most impressive sights in Porto, and it’s hard to miss.

The English word for Bolsa is Stock and historically this incredible building is where the stalk market was kept for the city of Porto along with the chamber of commerce. This intricate building is nothing short of a work of art with massive halls, columned courtyards, and a seemingly never-ending supply of breathtaking rooms. In fact, it’s hard to imagine how each room could be more impressive than the last, however, when you tour the Bolsa Palace you’ll see that somehow each new corner you round will introduce new beauty to behold.

The tour ends in what is called the Arab Hall, an ornate space that took 18 years to complete. The guided tours leave every thirty minutes, and you have to have reserve a tour ahead of time. If you start out your journey through Porto with the Bolsa Palace, you’ll be starting out on the right foot!

The Mounment Church of St. Francis

As you leave the Bolsa Palace, you will find that another architectural beauty is a short walk away and well worth the investigation. This would be the monument church of St. Francis. If you are visiting Europe, some of the most iconic sites you can visit are the churches and cathedrals that have been built throughout the continent over the past centuries.

The monument church of St. Francis commemorates the history of the Francian order that was started in the city of Porto around 1220. This church throughout the centuries has seen many changes and is now a beautiful example of Baroque inner design and well worth the time to explore!

The Dom Luís I Bridge

At this point, you’ll probably want to stretch your legs and walk through the beautiful cobbled streets of Porto. The city of Porto is a waterfront city and it’s hard to find an area of waterfront that is not absolutely breathtaking to admire and enjoy. However, the iconic Dom Luís I Bridge should be a destination for taking in the riverfront views.

This bridge at one point in time was the largest of its kind and still stands out as one of the most beautiful. Its double-decker design gracefully spans the river, Duro. This incredible piece of architecture came from the same brilliant mind behind the Effiel tower. With a plethora of restaurants within walking distance of the iconic must-see bridge, this is a perfect place to stop and enjoy a taste of Porto while you take in one of its most iconic sites.

Vila Nova de Gia

Across the Dom Luís, you will find Vila Nova de Gia, and for all of those port wine enthusiasts, you don’t want to miss this! With historic cellar tours, tastings, and beautiful sandy beaches, this location is well worth the walkover. Port wine has a rich history in Porto and experiencing it in Vila Nova de Gia is a must when visiting this iconic city.

The Food!

Porto has a rich mixture of cuisine for any and all travelers. Whether you’re looking for Michelin-starred restaurants, or local dives serving up authentic Portuguese dishes, this city has it all.

Notable mentions are the Restarutnte Casrio right next to the Dom Luis Bridge and the two Michelin-starred restaurants at the exclusive Yeatman hotel. No matter what you’re budget, Porto has something truly unforgettable for you!