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Top Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water


Most people are well aware of the importance of drinking plenty of water. However, you also need to think about the quality of the water you drink, as this can have a huge impact on your health and well-being. One of the ways to ensure you enjoy fresh, healthy, great-tasting water is to opt for filtered water, and you will find plenty of products to help you do this.

From water filter bottles to water filter replacement cartridges, you will find everything you need if you want to make the switch to filtered water.  This makes it easy for you and your loved ones to enjoy the many benefits of drinking filtered water. In this article, we will run through some of the main benefits of making the switch to filtered water.

What Are the Main Benefits?

There are many benefits that come with drinking filtered water, and this is why so many people these days invest in filter products. Some of the main ones are:

Aiding Your Health

One of the key reasons so many people are turning to filtered water these days is to boost their health. Filtered water removes impurities and toxins from the water, and this plays a big part in protecting health. This includes chlorine, heavy metals, and microorganisms, among other things. It also retains essential minerals, such as magnesium and calcium. Filtered water can also remove fluoride from water, which can reduce the risk of potential dental issues for children and thyroid hormone production in adults.

Smoother Taste

While water does not have a taste as such, many people find that filtered water is far smoother than unfiltered water. This makes it more enjoyable to drink and can encourage people in your household to drink more water, which in turn can aid their health and well-being. Drinking filtered water means that you can enjoy a healthy and refreshing beverage that not only quenches your thirst but can also work wonders for your health.

Saving Money

One of the other things to bear in mind is that drinking filtered water means that you are less reliant on bottled water. Huge numbers of people spend a fortune on bottled water these days, but when you have a filter, you don’t need to go to this expense and hassle. It also means that you don’t have to turn to single-use plastic bottles, so you get to do your bit for the green cause as well and save money.

Enjoy the Benefits of Filtered Water

As you can see, there are many benefits that come with drinking filtered water, and it is something that can help boost the health and well-being of your family. Filter products are both easily accessible and affordable, which means that you don’t have to go to any trouble in order to make the switch to bottled water. Moreover, you can save money on bottled water, enjoy the refreshing and smooth taste of chilled filtered water, and even encourage your family to drink more water.

Agile vs. Waterfall – Which Project Management Approach is Right for Your Team?


With the rise of agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban, many teams are moving away from traditional waterfall project management. But which approach is right for your team – agile or waterfall?

Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between these two project management styles to help you decide.

What is Waterfall?

The waterfall approach follows a linear, sequential path from start to finish. Projects move through defined phases like requirements, design, development, testing, and deployment. Each phase must be completed before moving on to the next. At the end of each phase, a review is conducted before approval to proceed.

Waterfall emphasizes comprehensive documentation and upfront planning. Requirements are gathered early and changes during development can be costly. This structured process works well for products with fixed scopes and predictable outcomes. However, waterfall lacks flexibility to handle ambiguity.

What is Agile?

Agile methods break projects into small increments delivered in short iterations. Work is prioritized based on business value. At the end of each iteration, a working product is delivered for stakeholder feedback.

Agile emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement. Changes can be incorporated throughout the development process. Less emphasis is placed on upfront planning and documentation. Agile works well for complex projects with shifting priorities and unclear requirements. However, agile can be less predictable.

Key Differences Between Agile and Waterfall

There are several key differences between the agile and waterfall approaches to be aware of when choosing a methodology:

  • Planning – Waterfall requires detailed planning upfront. Agile has high-level planning with specifics emerging through iterations.
  • Flexibility – Waterfall resists changes once requirements are set. Agile welcomes changes at any stage.
  • Customer Involvement – Customers have little involvement during waterfall development. Customers actively collaborate throughout agile projects.
  • Testing – Formal testing happens at the end of waterfall projects. Agile relies on continuous, incremental testing.
  • Documentation – Waterfall mandates extensive documentation. Agile values “working software over comprehensive documentation.”
  • Predictability – Waterfall provides predictable schedules and costs. Agile makes tradeoffs for flexibility, adjusting as work progresses.

When to Use Waterfall

Waterfall works best for projects with:

  • Clear and fixed requirements
  • Predictable tools and technology
  • Low uncertainty and risk
  • Strict deadlines or budget constraints

Examples: Short-term projects, factory equipment upgrades, construction projects.

When to Use Agile

Agile is preferable for projects with:

  • Changing or unclear requirements
  • New technologies or tools
  • High complexity or uncertainty
  • Need for frequent customer feedback

Examples: Software development, research projects, new product development.

Choosing the Right Approach

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for every team. Assess your project characteristics and team culture to determine if agile or waterfall is better suited. Many teams also utilize hybrid approaches, combining elements of both methodologies. Agile diagram templates can help visualize workflows. With any approach, the key is choosing a system that allows your team to deliver quality work on time. Adjust processes over time as projects and priorities evolve.

It’s important to carefully evaluate your unique needs and constraints when deciding between waterfall and agile. Consider prototyping elements of each to see what resonates best with your team. An experienced project manager can provide guidance on customizing an approach.

Stay open to trying new techniques – agile and waterfall both have pros and cons. The right methodology depends on your goals, resources, and leadership support. With careful planning and communication, you can find success with either system.

Achievement Unlocked: The Rise of Reward Systems in Online Slots

Achievement Unlocked_ The Rise of Reward Systems in Online Slots

In the ever-evolving world of online gaming, online slots have carved a unique niche for themselves, transcending traditional boundaries and engaging players in ways that were once thought impossible. One of the most significant advancements in this realm has been the introduction and proliferation of reward systems. These innovative systems have not only revolutionized the way players engage with online slots but have also played a pivotal role in the growth and popularity of these games. This article delves into the emergence of reward systems in online slots, exploring how they work, their impact on player engagement, and the future trajectory of these enticing mechanisms.

The Genesis of Reward Systems in Online Slots

The concept of reward systems is not new to the gaming world. However, its adaptation and integration into online slots have marked a new era in online gambling. Traditionally, slot games rewarded players with payouts for winning combinations. This straightforward reward mechanism was effective but lacked the depth and engagement that modern players seek. The introduction of reward systems added layers of achievements, goals, and milestones, transforming the slots experience into a more immersive and interactive journey.

How Do Reward Systems Work?

Reward systems in online slots are ingeniously designed to enhance player engagement and retention. These systems often include a variety of elements such as level-ups, missions, challenges, and loyalty points. Players are rewarded not just for winning but for participating, achieving certain tasks, or reaching specific milestones. For instance, completing a set of challenges might unlock special bonuses, free spins, or access to exclusive games. This gamification of slot introduces a dynamic element to gameplay, encouraging players to explore and engage with the content more deeply.

The Psychological Appeal

The success of reward systems in online slots is deeply rooted in basic human psychology. The sense of achievement and progress, coupled with the anticipation of rewards, taps into the intrinsic motivators that drive human behavior. These systems leverage the dopamine-driven feedback loops, creating a rewarding and addictive gaming experience. By offering small, frequent rewards, online slots keep players engaged and motivated to continue playing.

Impact on Player Engagement and Industry Growth

The introduction of reward systems has had a profound impact on the online slots industry. By offering more than just the chance for monetary gains, these systems cater to a broader range of player motivations, including the desire for achievement, mastery, and social interaction. This has not only attracted a wider audience but has also significantly increased player loyalty and retention rates.

Enhanced Player Experience

Reward systems have transformed the player experience, making it richer and more varied. Players now have goals to strive for beyond just hitting the jackpot. This shift towards a more engaging and interactive experience has raised the standards across the online gaming industry, pushing developers to continually innovate and improve their offerings.

The Future of Reward Systems in Online Slots

As technology advances, the potential for even more innovative and engaging reward systems is vast. We are likely to see the integration of more sophisticated technologies, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), to create even more immersive gaming experiences. Additionally, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) could personalize reward systems, tailoring them to individual player preferences and behaviors.

The Challenges Ahead

Despite their numerous benefits, the expansion of reward systems in online situs slot is not without challenges. Regulatory concerns, especially regarding responsible gaming, are paramount. There is a delicate balance between making games engaging and not encouraging problematic gambling behaviors. Developers and regulators alike must work together to ensure that reward systems promote a healthy and enjoyable gaming environment.


The rise of reward systems in online slots represents a significant evolution in online gaming. By making the gameplay more engaging, interactive, and rewarding, these systems have not only enhanced the player experience but have also contributed to the industry’s growth. As we look to the future, the continued innovation and integration of advanced technologies promise to take these reward systems to new heights, offering players even more compelling reasons to play. In this dynamic landscape, one thing is clear: the journey of online slots is far from reaching its pinnacle, with each new advancement unlocking a world of possibilities.

B-Roll: The Little Secret Behind Almost Every Good Video

B-Roll: The Little Secret Behind Almost Every Good Video

Many factors can play a role in a great video: good audio, an exciting topic, not too short and not too long, suitable recordings, good script. However, one crucial element remains often overlooked, and this is what we are devoting today’s blog post.

B-roll is the magic word, sometimes referred to as b-roll, Broll, b-roll footage, or only “extra film material.” It includes all additional, supplementary, or alternative media clips that can make a video more exciting and create connections.

Also read: Video Post: The Video Content that Triumphs in Social Networks

B-Roll Makes your Video More Interesting

Do you want to make your video more exciting, but you are not sure how to do it? B-roll film and photo material are the keys to success. Imagine interviewing sports cars. Your interviewer mentioned the difference between standard tires and tires with special rims.

It is the perfect moment to add b-roll material! Show pictures or a short video of the tires that remain discussed. It conveys additional and essential information and makes the interview more lively and exciting than just showing the speaker all the time.

When the word “pizza” comes up, you could show a picture of a pizza. If someone explains “internal communication,” you could show archive footage of colleagues in conversation or quickly record a video of your colleagues on their cell phones.

In a video editing program like Camtasia, the easiest way to place such b-roll clips is on track above the main video. It means that the sound can remain heard continuously, and the additional scenes are faded in at specific points above the main video as required.

B-roll is a Great Way to Cover Up Mistakes and Streamline Editing

With b-roll clips, your videos will be more exciting and exciting and appear more professional. B-Roll also helps with processing if unwanted sections are to remain cut out.

For example, let’s say you interviewed with a client, but the recording was a bit too long and needed to remain edited. Digressions from the topic, answers that are too detailed, long reflection and coughing, hawks, and a slip of the tongue during the recording must remain removed so that the interview is entertaining and the topic remains conveyed efficiently.

Unfortunately, you can usually see it in a video recording when segments have remained cut out, as the person’s position shown changes in an unnatural way.

Such processing steps can remain hidden by B-Roll material. It works like this:

  • Cut out any defective parts of the interview, the coughs, the wandering discussion – anything that is not relevant.
  • Paste b-roll material right over the machined sections.

It is How you get Good B-Roll Material

But I would like to give you a few more practical tips on recording high-quality B-roll media.

Allow Enough Time for Recordings

You should plan the details of the interview. Know who your interlocutors will be and what questions you will be asking. You should know in advance which microphone and camera you will be using, where the interview will occur, and whether the questions will remain asked aloud in front of the camera or whether the interviewee should repeat the problems in their answer.

But don’t forget to schedule a B-roll video recording.

Announce the B-roll recordings to your interlocutors. Most of the interviewees are technical experts and probably have good ideas regarding what should remain included in the B-roll material. A critical keyword may come up during your conversation, and you write down this idea and then take a photo or short video of it during the b-roll session.

Record the Environment

Your interview partners should remain received in their familiar environment. These are, for example, suitable B-roll clips:

  • Sitting at the desk
  • On the way to work
  • When lighting a campfire (e.g., in the information film about scouts)
  • Recording of hand movements
  • An exchange in the meeting
  • During an assembly in the workshop

The important thing is that an environment remains recorded relevant to the topic and that your recordings show the interview in action.

In addition to the B-roll of the interlocutor, the surroundings should also remain recorded. For example:

  • Street signs
  • Office and environment from inside and outside
  • machinery
  • Signage and company logo
  • Photos and clips from the journey
  • Screenshots
  • Processes, e.g., B. how something remains assembled or what steps remain carried out

Be creative and have fun shooting the b-roll footage – you’ll see it helps!

Never Without a B-roll

Once [b-roll] shots become a routine, you will be looking for photo opportunities all the time. In the beginning, this remains often forgotten. I’ve seen so many video producers working on a project, and suddenly they say, “I should have shot the building!” Or “I should have photographed the bookshelf!” Or “I wish I had a photo of their production facility! “.

So make sure that capturing [b-roll] footage is on the agenda for every interview and video shoot. In the subsequent editing, you will be glad to have this material.

Also read: What is SMS Marketing? Why choose SMS Marketing?

What is a Pillar Page? And How it Impacts SEO?

What is a Pillar Page? And How it Impacts SEO?

The Pillar Page idea is not new, but it started to gain more space beginning in May 2017 when HubSpot began publishing content related to the Pilar Pages and topic groups.

Over time, there has been the transition from a keyword-focused strategy to a new strategic model based on related topics (topic groups). And linking all topics to a single page (pillar page), which helps brands improve the SEO ranking of the products and services they offer.

Also read: What is Newsjacking, And How can you apply it?

 What is a Pillar Page or Pillar Page

A-Pillar Page or Pillar Page is a page that presents an overview of the content of your website. The page covers all aspects of a particular topic without going into too much detail. However, it offers your visitors the opportunity to get more detailed information on a topic through links to various blogs or cluster content, which expose multiple issues related to the main subject in more detail.

In essence, a pillar page is the master page that will cover all the related topics or the cluster’s content on a single page. The pillars page touches on all related cluster content without going into too much detail.

What is a Pillar Page for?

Pillar pages serve to effectively organize web content and help search engines quickly determine and rank your topic. It is essential because Google, for example, does not favor sites that have difficulty deciding on the matter.

Also, the Pillar Page serves to offer a more organized and user-friendly experience for your audience. These pages work as a roadmap for the rest since it shows all the site content. For navigability purposes, it is the correct way to structure the page.

The level of organization of the Pilar pages makes it easy for the audience to find what they are looking for, which increases user engagement. Also, there are other SEO benefits that pillar pages provide:

  • If you create information concentrated on a single topic, Google will rank them favorably
  • Your visitor and search engines can have an overview of the content and then expand the information
  • You will be able to get more prospects organically as long as your content generates value and solves the needs people are looking for.
  • Show that you are an expert on a topic. It gives you authority and increases your audience’s engagement.

The Pilar and Topic Clusters Pages

Cluster is a methodology used to organize various content pages on your website in a clear and easily visible way for your potential customers.

A cluster can remain compared to many grapes, and the trunk of the plant would be the main page. And it is mainly that this new method of strengthening your authority concerning Google works: you organize your content so that the topics remain agglomerated in a clear and complementary way. How is it done? Through issues for all the content you have compiled on the same subject, it contains your Pillar Page links.

That is that content organization remains given in the following way for each chosen issue:

  • Pilar Page dense and organized that mentions everything related to a specific topic
  • Complementary articles that delve into each topic
  • Links between the Pilar Page and those complimentary articles

How SEO Impacts a Pillar Page

If you want to be in the search engines’ first results, you must adapt to the changes. In this sense, now you must focus your SEO strategies on the topics.

  • Of course, there are many SEO strategies that you should continue to use:
  • Offer valuable content to your visitors
  • Enhance the loading speed of your website or blog
  • Decrease the abandonment rate, avoiding elements that make the user leave the site.
  • Find and use suitable keywords

How to Write on a Pillar Page

A Pilar page is similar to blogs, which you produce daily, but the difference between them is that they are merely more complete. The Pilar pages are practically an eBook in post format – or a post as comprehensive as an ebook.

How to write a Pillar Page, the first thing to consider is your content strategy.

Step 1: Define the topics of interest of your Buyer Persona

Like any content strategy, the Pillar Page should also remain focused on your Buyer Persona. If you haven’t defined them yet, this will be your first step. You can’t do anything if you don’t know who you’re talking towards.

Step 2: Develop the content of your Pillar Page

In this step, the most important thing is the content of the Pilar Page. Then you must define the format in which you are going to offer that content: it must be a scannable format and, preferably, educational.

Here, the best recommendation is: Imagine your Pillar Page as a kind of vertical eBook.

Throughout the content, you will answer the questions of your prospects while directing them to specific topics. This addressing remains done through particular chapters that contain hyperlinks that redirect to more in-depth content.

Step 3: Enhance your Pillar Page

For your Pillar Page to remain seen as an authority, you must build the building around it. It means that you must link it to various sources. The primary sources are your site and third party sites.

Source 1: Reserved (internal links)

A good source of links is from your website. To do this, include links on your Pillar Page about content that is related to it. Also, it remains recommended that you create a typical article.

What do we mean? You can create new content ideas based on your Pillar pages. That is, whenever you have doubts regarding new content, check your Pillar Pages: what types of new content can enrich your Pilar Page, or can you create useful links for it?

Source 2: Third party sites

Do you want to blow up your Pilar page? So, direct your efforts in creating links that lead visitors from other sites to yours. There are two ways to do it, the passive mode and the playful way.

Passively, you will probably receive backlinks on your platform that you may or may not approve. That means someone is going to mention your page and link to it in their article. In this case, you have to support the inclusion of the association, and that’s it. But this happens very infrequently.

It is why you must actively work on building your backlinks. To get backlinks from other sites, you can use various tactics. The most used is the e-mail itself. What you should do is find an article that could be a useful link for your Pilar Page (that talks about the subject, for example), and send an e-mail to the person in charge and suggest that they include their link.

Remember: Pilar pages have the functionality of increasing the visibility of their content by mentioning links in keywords. It is essential as search tools like Google understand that the more connections remain directed to your Pillar Page due to keywords, the more content relevant the site is.

What is SEO in Digital Marketing? And Its Factors?

What is SEO in Digital Marketing? And Its Factors?

SEO in Digital Marketing

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a common optimization technique for sites, blogs, and pages on the web. These optimizations seek to attain good organic positioning, generating traffic and authority for a location or blog and for this, many turn to strategicSEOsolutions.com.

One of the most significant ambitions of companies investing in  Digital Marketing is to reach the top positions in search engines. Whether you operate as a debt collection specialist like First credit services or a boutique law firm like Fair Credit, optimizing your company’s visibility online is vital to sustained growth – after all, who doesn’t want free clicks and more visitors to their site?

Though being on the Internet is not sufficient to agree that your site, e-commerce, or blog achieves a place on the first page of Google: it is necessary to invest in a specific strategy to optimize results and ensure that your business reaches a good position.

In the past, all you had to do was include relevant keywords in your content and voila! You attract visitors to your website. However, over the years, there has been a rapid growth in the number of internet users—both content creators and consumers. As such, the competition for top positions in the search engine results has become quite stiff.

But that’s not to say that you cannot be successful in the current online environment. In fact,Reaching the right positions on the results pages may be more within your reach than you imagine. You can do many optimizations on your site and your content to improve your reader’s experience and become an excellent result in search engines’ eyes.

Of course, if you’re a beginner or have a lot of things on your to-do list, you can hire an outsourced CMO to implement your marketing strategies. This will ensure that you grow your customer base without compromising other areas of your business operations. Nevertheless, you must understand the basic factors about a successful SEO for you to gain any notable success in the online market.. Read on to learn more!

It’s those optimizations we call SEO!

The Main Factors of SEO on Page are:

Content Quality

There are two central factors for ranking in Google: length and quality of content.

Since the introduction of Google Panda, the algorithm has sought to identify low-quality content to optimize the community’s results.

The better your content, the better the chances you will figure in the SERPs’ first positions.

So, how does Google Panda filter out low quality content? Well, the algorithm looks at a number of signals that suggest whether the content is useful to the user. These signals range from topic relevance to the level of expertise notable. 

Inasmuch as appearing among the top rankings should be among your goals, it’s imperative that you aim at satisfying the needs of your audience and all other things will automatically fall into place.

Content Size

The size directly influences the positioning of Google. In research conducted by Search IQ, the average length of top-ranked content was approximately 2,500 words.

That’s because Google searches for the full complete content, which clarifies the doubts of readers.

But that is not a law! It all depends on just how your person reacts to your content’s dimension, and, mostly, does your content fully answer the question that led you to it?

Irrespective of the text’s size, the person wants to read your content and have all their questions answered. Otherwise, they will look for another text that better clarifies their questions.

Implementation of SEO and Online Marketing Plan

An online marketing plan’s primary function is to combine marketing strategies and tactics to achieve one or more macro objectives. Or what is the same, to be able to sell more. To be able to implement these you’ll need a concrete marketing plan. Asking help from a digital marketing agency could be a great step to know how to gain more followers online and reach out to your target audience organically.

Disciplines of SEO in Digital Marketing

To achieve this, all the disciplines of digital marketing,  including SEO, must work together. In unity, both communication strategies, social networks, web positioning, and paid advertising actions (online and offline) complement each other. And become feedback so that the online marketing plan comes to fruition.

Once the marketing plan remains created, it must remain put into operation. We have approved the marketing consultancy, defined the macro and micro objectives, analyzed the company and the competition in-depth, carried out a complete SEO audit, created the SWOT, represented the target audience, etc.

It is time to land the whole theory and put it into practice. One of the first tasks to be done to gain online visibility (web positioning) is to activate content marketing.

To start all this marketing machinery, we need a starting point, which could be the SEO strategy and the communication strategy. Carry out a good Keyword Research that, together with its marketing manager, discovers those themes and terms that can contribute the most to achieving the objectives.

The  SEO approach must pursue the queries and need for information of users at each stage of it.

Concepts and search typologies must be related to each of the stages.

For each type of stage and need, a content strategy will remain defined that impacts the results.

To do this, we will divide the terms and themes found by consumer stages, search intention, and search volume.

Stages of the consumer:

  • Attention: The public is aware of your product/service; the alert of your potential customers remains activated.
  • Interest: The part of the public that, knowing your brand, is interested in it; maybe because it can cover some need.
  • Desire: Among those who have been interested, those who want to own it; you have persuaded potential customers that they need your brand
  • Action: They like it, they want it, or they will speak well of your brand.

Search intent:

  • Navigational: the customer is trying to reach a specific site.
  • Informational: the user is looking for information.
  • Transactional: the user is looking to buy.

Once the terms and themes that will remain working on have remained defined, we will proceed to make an  editorial calendar activating all the departments involved  to maximize each piece of content both organically and paid:

SEO Department

Definition, content generation, and optimization of the same to obtain the most significant impact in the SERPs (search results) and thus gain organic visibility.

Social Networks Department

To amplify the impact and the message where the user is.

Advertising Department (SEM)

Enhance the user’s presence and impact with remarketing/retargeting strategies.

Development Department

Implementing email marketing and marketing automation strategies, segmenting the database based on users’ needs and interests.

Design Department

Designing creatives and infographics so that each piece of content has more possibilities of attracting traffic.

Video Marketing

Generation of videos to enhance the message/product on those platforms with a large audience such as YouTube and Vimeo and make each piece of content more attractive to the user and thus be able to increase the brand’s memory or product.

Also read: SEO for YouTube: Position your Videos above all

What is Native Advertising? And Benefits of Native Advertising?

What is Native Advertising? And Benefits of Native Advertising?

In this article, we are profitable to talk about what native advertising is, analyze in detail the most common formats in which it remains present, and see the benefits for your brand. If you want to reveal all its secrets, keep reading!

Also read: What is Content Curation?And Its Five Essential Tools?

What is Native Advertising?

We can define native advertising or native advertising as “a form of advertising in paid media that adapts in form and functionality to the environment in which it appears, allowing it to impact the user in a less intrusive way than with traditional advertising.”

An essential element of this advertising type is that it is not perceived as advertising since it is 100% integrated into its environment. For example, when it remains located in an online medium, we will see that it fully respects the editorial style format.

Still, for ethical reasons, we must always clearly show that this remains promoted content.

Native advertising depends on the quality of the content.  It must not be excessively promotional and must always provide value to the user, whether in the form of information, entertainment, or, better yet, both at the same time!

We must first discuss the user’s problems and concerns, and only then can we present our product or service as a possible solution.

Another key is that it must remain fully adapted to the different devices and platforms that we can find on the Internet, either through texts, images, videos, or interactive content. The user can dialogue.

Why does Native Advertising Work?

According to Online Publishers Association (OPA) surveys, 53% of users are more attracted to native advertising than to other traditional formats. To understand this success, you have to put yourself in the user’s shoes and understand their browsing experience.

Generally, when we visit a web page, we can see a large number of banner ads. As users have become “desensitized” in front of them, they have become more and more visible, more intrusive, and more annoying to try to get attention. The result is that the experience of reading or consuming the content is affected and, instead of being attracted to the brand, the user perceives the ads as a nuisance. So much so that the use of ad-blocking programs has increased by 92% since 2014.

Instead, native advertising is seamlessly integrated into the user’s browsing experience, for example, to offer them content similar to what they have just read and that may therefore interest them. In this way, it not only allows you to bypass ad blockers but is also much more attractive.

For users, native advertising has many advantages. Instead of invading him to claim his attention, he offers him something that interests him and that he wants to consume. Although it remains labeled as advertising, it does not generate a reaction of rejection and avoidance because it tells you things you want to know. And for publicists, it is a chance to have the attention of potential customers to develop the brand’s story in a much more extensive way than with traditional banners. As the Anglo-Saxons say, it’s a win-win!

Benefits of Native Advertising

More new traffic.  Native advertising allows us to reach users who no longer respond to traditional advertising, representing an exciting traffic source. Besides, this traffic usually has a low cost per click.

More visibility.  Users are “trained” to ignore advertising when reading articles online. But being integrated, native ads overcome these defenses and be 53% more visible than classic banners.

Better browsing experience.  Since we are not interrupting users’ reading, the browsing experience is much more pleasant with native advertising, and consequently, our brand reputation improves. The result is that users receive this advertising better and are more willing to share it, especially in content ads.  32% of users would share advertising through their social networks if it provided them with reasonable value. Therefore, we see that the chances of triggering a viral response are much greater than in the case of traditional advertising.

We are learning about the interests of the target.  The analysis of the reactions to the content that we disseminate will allow us to modulate and adapt our communication strategy to be increasingly effective.

Native advertising is not aimed at direct sales but attracting users in the early stages of interest through engaging content. Therefore, it is an excellent way to create audiences for retargeting campaigns and guide them little by little on the path to becoming a loyal customer of the brand.

Native Advertising Formats

There are numerous native advertising formats, as well as different classifications of them. For this article, we will focus on the three that we consider most relevant today: branded content, native display ads, and content ads.

1) Branded content

Branded content consists of content created and published by third parties and sponsored by the brand. The most common example is the sponsored posts of influencers, who reach agreements with brands to promote them through their social networks. This type of content is trendy on Instagram.

Another example of branded content is editorial articles published in the media that talk about a brand’s products and services, such as gift suggestions for occasions such as Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day.

It is essential to note that the creation of the content corresponds entirely to the influencer or the medium in these cases. Hence, there is no such rigid control as in traditional advertising. It is about a more open dialogue between the brand, the influencer, and their audience.

The great secret of branded content is that it generates trust in the audience. Since the brand remains recommended by a user or a medium that users follow and trust. As always in advertising, it is essential to have solid ethical principles. So that this relationship works and the user’s trust remains not betrayed.

2) Native display ads

Native display ads are promotional advertising 100% adapted to your environment. They remain displayed through a network of publishers, such as search engines, apps, or blogs.

These contents remain identified as advertising; the most common is that they carry the label of “sponsored content” or similar. Still, as they do not hinder the reading experience, the user does not perceive them as intrusive. They are received much differently than traditional banner advertising, and the proof is that they receive higher click-through rates. According to some studies, CTR can be double and brand recall four times higher.

When creating native display ads, we can opt for a more promotional approach or direct the user to a content site.

3) Content ads

We can define content ads as content sponsored by the brand displayed as suggested reading in editorial media and blogs. We seek to attract traffic to our site through high-value, non-commercial content, which focuses on the topics of interest to the user. Therefore, this type of native advertising integrates into its environment at a functional and aesthetic level and in the background.

The content sponsored through content ads will always be related to the brand; for example, in a tourism brand, we can talk about travel destinations. But it is not intended to sell, or the user is required to convert since we understand that it is still in the early stages of the conversion funnel.

For this type of advertising to be effective. We must attract the user to continue browsing our website, subscribe. Or perform other actions (always not related to the sale). In this way, we can continue to nurture our relationship with him through a lead nurturing strategy.

These ads are usually displayed at the end of a news story, suggesting that they read an article. Or watch a video related to the content they just consumed. This relationship must remain well established so that the user is interested in the content we are going to offer. Suggestions remain usually presented in a  block or widget with various related content, all integrated into the communication medium’s design.

When the user clicks on the headline and image displayed in the widget. We redirect them to a web page or an article on our blog with the promised content. With this, we are offering you high-value information and focusing on forming a long-term bond.

Conclusions on Native Advertising

Native advertising is booming and, for most brands, is an essential part of their marketing plans. If you want to succeed with yours, dare to jump right in! to the pool and keep these final recommendations in mind  :

Clearly define your goals. As in any other marketing tool, before launching into native advertising. We must be very clear about what we are looking to achieve. As we have seen, this type of advertising works very well to attract users in the early stages of the conversion funnel. So we must look for ways to retain them to become part of our database or our audiences for remarketing.

Take utmost care of the quality of the content. It has to adapt to your audience’s tastes fully and interests, meet their expectations (or even exceed them). And have the best technical quality you can offer. The more value you provide to users, the easier it will be for your content to end up going viral.

Look for integration. Of course, native ads should be similar to their environment at the design level, but the proper integration goes further. Think about the places where your ads will remain shown, the editorial line. And the type of audience you are looking for.

Promote in its fair measure. Content ads must represent your brand and values. But you must be very cautious when introducing promotions, offers. Or other promotional content. Think of them as the first few kilometers of a long-distance race to reach the conversion goal.

Identify your native advertising. Finally, remember that we seek to offer a smooth browsing and reading experience. But the content promoted by a brand must remain indicated as such. If they add value, this fact should not generate rejection in the user.

Also read: 5 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

What is SMS Marketing? Why choose SMS Marketing?

What is SMS Marketing? Why choose SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is sending text messages to achieve a marketing goal. This method remains primarily used to announce urgent offers, updates, and alerts.

It consists of the possibility of sending messages to a broad audience around the world. The marketing SMS is sufficient for all types of businesses because it helps achieve different objectives quickly.

The number of businesses that have begun to integrate mass SMS in their communication strategies with all their stakeholders in a direct and personalized way has increased.

Why choose SMS Marketing?

The Pew Research Center carried out a study indicating that 98% of text messages that reach the cell phone remain read. Likewise, they calculated that once they arrive, it takes no more than 3 minutes for the receiver to read them; and finally, 89% of users confirmed that using SMS is effective.

Another of the results of this study is that almost half of the investigated people begin their search to buy a product from their cell phone; This is interesting since SMS allows you to include links to web pages.

SMS Marketing for Beginners

SMS marketing is an effective and efficient form of communication. The SMS must be clear, precise, and brief (in emBlue, the ceiling for each message is 160 characters) and generally must choose such shipments when you want something substantial to notify your customers. It is a communication channel in which you must be careful with the type of information you will send to generate rejection in your audience.

SMS marketing campaigns are essential to communicate information about promotions, discounts or keep customers updated on events and special sales.. It is also an ideal channel to notify the buyer about the status of an order, attendance at an event, or any alert such as cancellations, updates, or reminders.

The Advantages of SMS Marketing

It is a tool that has a straightforward measurement of the overall performance of your campaign. The percentage of recipients who unsubscribe from receiving SMS is meager.

This communication channel has a high level of effectiveness. Emails can go unread for days, phone calls can go unanswered, but text messages are almost always read immediately after being sent.

The messages SMS will allow recipients to receive comments.

This tool has proven to be a good option when deciding to promote the business. Its results are positive for both the seller and the consumer. Its benefits include a purchase confirmation, shipment status, sending offers, or personalized information. Therefore, the customer is accompanied by the brand that provides the trust, security, and closeness of the current consumer demands.