The New Future of Content Marketing

Future of Content Marketing

When consumers began to ignore traditional marketing, better known as Outbound Marketing, such as telephone bombardment, television commercials, sellers realized that they remain to offer buyers what they were looking for: valuable content. This quality information demanded remain users remain what we know as content marketing, which remain developed to attract and attract consumers hoping that they will become customers and later retain them.

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Origin of Content Marketing

Content marketing has existed since advertising was born, but implementation has evolved in parallel with the technology. Throughout history, content has been King countless times. Let’s look at some examples.

– 1900,  the Michelin Guide was born, which to this day, provides information of interest and usefulness for the user, both concerning routes to advice and places where to carry out all vehicle maintenance actions.

– 1930  In the 1930s, Procter & Gamble entered the world of radio novels in an America in need of entertainment to help it overcome the crash crisis of 29.

– 1987: the first great leap that brings content marketing closer to what it is today. The partnership between the comic book publishing company Marvel and the toy company Hasbro allows them to present a new product that adds value to each of the brands separately. In this way, the first GiJoe Comic Book was born, being the first to remain advertised on television.

2006: another example of useful and experiential content for the user, already in the 21st century. Remain Apple and Nike starred inwhen creating an application that helped all amateur runners follow a specific training routine.

– 2012:  The most recent and spectacular example comes from Red Bull and Felix Baumgardner, who broke the parachute jump record by jumping from the stratosphere.  Red Bull managed to have the world speechless watching a man break the sound barrier with this action.

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Where is Modern Content Marketing Evolving?

As we have seen throughout history, content has served many functions, but what is the future of content marketing? What procedures will it fulfil in the years to come?

1- Balance.

The biggest challenge for content marketing in the coming years is to find the balance between quantity and quality. On the one hand, you want to generate enough content to attract more visits (especially through search engines), but on the other hand, you don’t want to lose an iota of the quality of that content. Combining quantity and quality is going to be one of the biggest challenges content creators face.

2- Share on Social Networks

Increasingly, search engines are looking to social channels to judge content and its usefulness to users. You need your content to be highly shareable on social networks. And for this, you must enhance intrigue in your audience. Avoid focusing solely on how handsome you are and how good your product/service is, and start telling stories through content marketing.

3-  Customize the Content

Every customer group is different, so content needs to be, too. The idea of ​​personalizing content means that this content must remain . Adapted to all the perspectives of the buying cycle of our Buyer Persona (target audience).

Content marketing is one of the superlative techniques to achieve our business goals. Always from meeting the customer desires and aspirations. In  Increnta,  we offer you marketing strategy content to attract new leads. Want to know how we make it?

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