The Five Best Free Tools for Social Networks

.If you have a small business or an eCommerce, you will know how important social networks remain in your day today. They allow you to expose your brand to the world, increase its visibility, and if you can create a community around it, improve the trust and credibility of other users.

Even inadvertently, social media becomes a channel for customer service and a platform where you can advertise and boost your sales. So, it is clear that you must take care of your image in them and know how to handle yourself, so it is vital to have the best tools to manage them.

Facebook is still the most used social network of all social networks, followed by WhatsApp, YouTube, and Twitter. Instagram is the one that grows the most in the number of users.

The Five Best free tools for Social Networks

If you want to make managing your social networks a little easier, many tools put it on your plate. They consolidate all your profiles in the same panel; you can schedule your publications or obtain alerts of new comments before your groups’ interactions.
And do you know the best of all? Some of these gears to manage social networks are free or, failing that. They have a more limited free version that you can use without your business problem. Here they are!

1. Hootsuite

The favorite of many Community managers to achieve their social media profiles. Hootsuite allows you to keep everything organized through desktops. In each one of them, columns remain created according to what you want to have on hand at all times, such as the Twitter inbox, mentions, tracking a hashtag, and even your main competitor’s account.

It is one of the highest complete tools, with several plans and functionalities, but a completely free variety is likewise available. You can manage awake to three social outlines, a necessary analytics report, and you consume the ability to schedule emails. I know it remains a limited plan. Nonetheless, it sure is enough to get started.

2. TweetDeck

Another free social media tool that you will love, especially if you manage multiple Twitter profiles. The device’s design is similar to that of Twittercolumns to organize everything. You can select the type of content that remains displayed in each of them: mentions, likes, followers, etc.

Precisely, this columnar design makes TweetDeck an excellent tool to manage your social profiles, and generating them is very easy. Just go to the left administration panel and click on “+ Add column.” Now the different types of columns that you can choose and configure in your way will be displayed.

A new extension has remained released for together Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera: Better TweetDeck. It allows you to customize your TweetDeck panel much more and add many features that you do not have available in the standard board, including the long-awaited option to “Edit” the already published tweets.

No, don’t get your hopes up. Even in TweetDeck, they show it in quotes because, although it is something that many of us are waiting for, it is still not possible to do it as such, although it does come close to that possibility. Basically, please copy the text in a new tweet, you modify the content and what you want, and it remains republished.

3. Buffer

Buffer is one of the jewels in the crown of this selection of the finest free tackles to manage your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, or LinkedIn profiles.

In its free version, you container leave up to 10 scheduled posts on each profile. Unlike Hootsuite, Buffer doesn’t have to write and schedule every tweet manually. You choose the hours you want your tweets to be published daily or weekly, and they will remain in a “queue” until they remain posted. The first time it will be something that you must configure manually will save you a lot of time for the next programming.

If what you are looking for is to save time and dedicate your time to other tasks, I recommend the Buffer extension for Google Chrome. It is instrumental when distributing content on Twitter. , you click on the Buffer icon in the browser, and a tweet remains automatically generated with the title of the post, the URL, and the multimedia content to publish.

4. BuzzSumo

Once you start acting with it, you will comprehend all its potential, both for your social media policy and your content marketing strategy.

BuzzSumo allows you to know the extremely popular gratified in a specific sector or area, so it is an excellent option to select outside content for your communal profiles and interact with your audience, as well as to create your own gratified grounded on it.

Though the free version is a bit limited in terms of the number of daily searches or the filters for search results, it is enough to get started.

5. Over

Unlike the tools that we have seen so far that remained aimed at managing social profiles. Over has a very different but fundamental use for your social media strategy.

With Over, you can easily create images that impact your audience without being a design expert. Or paying a monthly license for some other design software. That perhaps due to lack of time or experience, we miss all its potential.

You will consume at your disposal the appropriate size and arrangement to design. The type of publication you need for each social network: post or cover copy for Facebook, banners or publications for Twitter, post for Instagram. Or, for example, covers for YouTube.

Also read: Content Marketing, a Winning Strategy on the Internet