Translation Services Guide for Creating Content for Germany’s Digital Marketing Niche

Although 56% of Germany’s population can speak English, many prefer to be marketed in German. As one of the largest markets out there, there’s great potential in expanding your business in Germany’s digital market. This guide will discuss the benefits of entering Germany’s digital market and why English-only isn’t enough if you want to attract German users to your online content. We will also discuss some tips and tricks on successfully creating content for your target local users.

The Opportunities in Germany’s Digital Market

 Germany is one of the biggest economies in the world. On top of that, the country has almost 78 million internet users. Those millions of users can spend a lot of money online. In 2019 alone, the overall revenue generated by retail e-commerce in Germany totaled over $108 billion. Those numbers should convince you that Germany offers many opportunities for digital marketing.

Of course, if your primary language is English, you will need help from a translation services provider to communicate with the German market.

 How Translation Services Can Broaden Your Online Consumers

When your content gets translated into another language, you open the doors to a whole new market. There are over 105 million native German speakers globally, and when you add those who can know it as a secondary or a third language, the number becomes quite significant. So, when a translation services company translates your English content into German, you are tapping into that whole new market made up of over 100 million individuals.

According to Tomedes, a provider of professional translation services, getting your content translated by an experienced firm is a sure way of broadening the consumers you are targeting. It’s also a way of bridging gaps and building meaningful connections. The company has been helping companies go international for years now, so it should know about the benefits that translation services can offer.

7 Content Marketing Tips for the German Market

It’s established now that digital marketing in Germany is a profitable undertaking. Here are seven effective content marketing tips that you can use when targeting the German market.

 1. Develop an In-Depth Profile of your Target Consumer and Market

Before you even get help from a professional translation services provider, you need to know your target first. The way to achieve this is by creating an in-depth profile of your target consumer and market. The only time that you can market to a consumer properly is when you know their habits, likes, and dislikes.

 2. Creating a Multilingual SEO Strategy for Your Target Region

This is where the value of having translation services comes in. You need to create a multilingual SEO strategy, and the only way you can do that is with the help of language experts. It’s not just the language that you need insight into. You also need expertise regarding the region’s culture you want to target.

In this case, if you are targeting the German market, then you need help from someone who knows the language and the culture.

3. Your Content Must Connect to Them on a Cultural and Linguistic Level

This ties in with the last tip on this list. Your content should not just be translated into German; it should also connect with your target audience on a cultural level as well. If the local culture is not considered when doing the translation, it would still sound strange and alien to the users.

4. Build Brand Trust and Loyalty with Consumers

It’s easier to build trust among your customers and your target market. With the help of social media and some other forms of content, you can communicate directly with the consumers and your customers. Active engagement with your audience can help to build trust. They will see that the people behind your brand/company care about them.

Loyal customers can be the best promoters of your business and this is true whether you are targeting Germany or some other market.

5. Quality is Crucial in Your Brand’s Story Telling

When creating content for your digital marketing, you have to check for the quality of everything that goes out bearing the name of your company. There should be grammatical, spelling, or some other small errors which, while being minor, can still affect the overall impression of your business.

 6. Be in Compliance with Data Protection Laws

Because Germany is part of the EU, the country follows the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when it comes to protecting the data and privacy of its constituents. The law is very strict on how you can collect and handle data from consumers. Make sure that you are in compliance with the law because the GDPR imposes very steep penalties on companies that violate its provisions.

 7. Make UX for Mobile and Desktop Navigational and Culturally Relatable

The user experience or the UI of digital content can be just as important as the content itself. If you are targeting a different country, you need to think about the effect of the UX in terms of culture. Does the display of the content navigation go against what’s acceptable in the target culture?

Because translation services providers are knowledgeable not just with languages but in culture as well,

These are some of the proven tips you can use when creating content for digital marketing in Germany. Just remember to get help from a provider of professional translation services when you are developing your content strategy.