Video Post: The Video Content that Triumphs in Social Networks

Video Content

The video post is here to stay and is not a new fashion.

At first, Vine from Twitter, then Periscope … and the video format in social networks do not stop growing.

Now it does so with video posts in 1: 1 format, videos that combine images, text, and music and that transmit content in a very dynamic way.

Also read: What is Brand Storytelling? And Its Types?

Video Post Increasingly used by Companies

The video post is a resource increasingly used by companies to make branding, but not directly of their products or services, but of those that interest their target audience:   Video post related to current issues, issues that they have to do with the services or products of the companies …

Due to video posts’ characteristics,  they will become a significant pillar for disseminating multimedia content and any community manager, content curator, communication agency, or company trying to find a place in social networks.

Why include Video Marketing in our Sales Strategies?

The video format is gaining momentum in recent times. You have to see the figures:

  • Nine out of ten users consume a fair amount of videos on social networks every day.
  • In one year, the video post has increased from 55% to over 75% of the network’s content.
  • More than 70% of the results on Google contain audiovisual material. Up to 44% of Internet users are more likely to buy in stores that offer videos about their products.
  • 69% play the videos of the products that interest them, and 65% tend to watch those of their preferred brands.
  • Three out of four customers say that watching a video of the product in question helps them make their purchase decision.
  • Besides, almost 50% of users between 25 and 54 years old share videos through social networks.
  • One minute of video equals millions of words in terms of the intensity and effectiveness of the message.

Advantages of the Video Post

The video post or video marketing has clear advantages over other more traditional formats.

Clear Message

One of its main advantages over other formats is that the message is much more direct and straightforward. The text sometimes gives rise to different interpretations and can affect us in different ways. Depending on the mood, or the moment in which it remains shown to us, it can generate doubts or misunderstandings. On the contrary, the video conveys the message with greater precision and explains the contents with total transparency. What remains seen is what there is, and there is no room for personal interpretations. With the information bombardment provided by the internet, we tend to read texts diagonally, at the risk of losing important information. The video format attracts attention more effectively. According to the data, 6 out of 10 viewers watch about three-quarters of the video.

Information is Better retained

Some studies say that humans retain 10% of the information they read or hear but memorize 50% of what they see. The scientific explanation is that 90% of the story the brain receives comes from visual ability. It means that image processing is up to 60,000 times faster than text. That is, our brain likes images much more. It is exciting if it relates to video marketing. Offering visual information about our products to users makes them remember our message much better and longer. We will increase the probability that they choose us to make a purchase.

Improve Engagement

We said that the message transmitted through video is more comfortable to assimilate and integrate into memory. But video is also much closer, especially if we are original and creative. Watching videos is closely associated with leisure time, and this relaxed predisposition puts the user in a good mood and much more receptive. Besides, the video post reaches viewers in different ways, which further favors retention. They will remember us better, and this will increase engagement.

Why a 1: 1 Format in Video Posts?

The video post format trend is for them to be 1: 1. The purpose for which the video posts remained shaped is solely and exclusively to feed social networks and be consulted basically by mobile devices.

By having the video post in a 1: 1 format, 30% more viewing of the mobile terminal screen is existence gained, and the user feels much more satisfied with the post’s visibility.

What is Better, a Video Post or an Ebook?

The answer is not easy, and it will indeed depend on many things. Among them, a significant one: the final objective that remains pursued with creating the content. Well, the aim of video marketing and an ebook may be different.

When a company makes a content plan, it has to consider many things, and among them, who are the posts or articles directed to? and what social network we are going to use to spread that content

Once we have clear answers to these questions, we will not have to ask another: what type of content does our target audience want?

The answer to this question is usually uneven, since many times, the potential client prefers to consume content in a social network in one way and another in another.

Therefore, our advice would be that if we only go to networks such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, video posts are an excellent resource for rapid consumption and viral dissemination. Still, if the objective is to obtain qualified leads, ebook generation is the central resource. Practical to make a potential client leave you their contact details and to be able to work these little by little so that it ends up becoming a sale through inbound marketing, for example.