5 Reasons Video Is King Of Digital Marketing

In the realm of digital marketing, you’ve probably heard that content is king. But in terms of content, video is considered the most effective type. This makes video the king of digital marketing.

As a powerful asset, businesses of all sizes should be using video to its fullest potential. If you need the facts, then here are some of the biggest reasons why video should be unequivocally used in your overall marketing strategy.

1. Video Commands Attention

1. Video Commands Attention

In a busy digital world, so many things are fighting for a consumer’s attention. And there’s only so much attention to go around. Being able to capture a user’s attention in just seconds can be difficult. However, an effective video can help you do just that.

Since video uses both aural and visual stimuli, it’s far better than static advertisements in capturing a user’s attention. While a user may stop to look at creative photos, videos are known to hold attention up to 5x more than still photos.

That said, the first few seconds of your video should be creative and compelling enough to make a user stop scrolling and focus on your content. In this case, you want to hire an expert video agency like Rockmans Creative Media to create high-end business video content that instantly attracts attention.

2. Video Can Explain Things Better

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much more does a video convey?

A video can provide more information than text or photos when launching a new product or service. By showing users how your services or product works, they’re more likely to have a better understanding of the products or services. You can even add subtitles to the video to help make it easier to understand.

In addition, if you’re trying to explain difficult concepts, videos can make it easier. For instance, creating animated videos can bring these difficult concepts to life that no live video or text can. Animated videos are the perfect combination of simplicity and entertainment. Plus, they work.

3. Video Improves Leads, Conversions, And Sales

Video can significantly improve your business’s revenue and bottom line. Video is a brilliant investment that helps in generating leads. Over 80% of marketers revealed that they have experienced increased leads when they’ve included videos in their marketing strategy.

Furthermore, simply adding a product or service video on your website’s homepage or landing page can boost conversions by up to 80%. Over 80% of marketers also said that video positively influences sales. Since videos can increase users’ understanding of their services or product, it impacts their buying decision. A report shows that more than 70% of people who watched an explainer video subsequently bought the product or service.

4. Google Loves Videos

YouTube is one of the most popular platforms on the web that primarily caters to video content. But what’s best is that Google owns YouTube. This is extremely beneficial for digital marketers in improving their SEO rankings.

In general, a key part of every digital marketing strategy is optimizing search engines, primarily Google. Since Google owns YouTube, there’s a significant increase in how much videos impact your search engine ranking. Google prioritizes ranking pages with video, especially one from its website, for a myriad of keywords. This means that pages with videos are more than 50x more likely to rank in the top results than those without one.

Plus, videos tend to go viral, racking up staggering amounts of backlinks, traffic, and other SEO-related requirements with way less effort than tactics such as guest posting.

5. Videos Are Shareable

Highly shareable on different platforms, videos consistently outperform other content, particularly text-based posts, on social media platforms. A report shows that video is up to 40x more likely to be shared on social platforms than other content. This is because the average human processes visuals faster than text.

Besides, social media also encourages video content with features like live video, stories, and reels. This provides you with more opportunities to showcase your brand and engage your customers. In addition, followers who share your videos on their profiles can significantly boost your marketing efforts, introducing you to new potential customers and ultimately increasing brand awareness. Plus, when users share your videos, it signals to others that you’re a reliable and trustworthy brand.

Take Away

All this says one thing– video is the present and the future of the digital marketing space. So, if you’re not yet using video marketing, you need to start immediately. Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience in this digital area and provides the most impact on your viewers, ultimately helping your bottom line.