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Website Speed: Learn to Test and Make your Page Faster

Website Speed: Learn to Test and Make your Page Faster

Website Speed

It is a fact that the average internet speed in Latin America is far from being good. Nevertheless, many websites manage to worsen this situation since they remain developed without due attention to loading speed and become a real test of patience for the user.

We live in a period of immediacy, where time is already worth more than money. And that era, combined with the internet’s dynamism, makes our audience more demanding every day. The content on your website can be great, but will people pay to see if the loading speed is not right?

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Does Speed Influence Website Results?

Back in 2010, Google announced that page load time was one of more than 200 ranking factors. That means that your website’s time to load concerning your competitors is one of the influencing points of the organic positioning of websites on the results page. According to research by Backlinko, slower websites remain penalized.

To be one of the organic ranking factors of Google, the Speed of the website also influences the user experience and  results, according to the data to follow:

  • Every second extra in page load leads to an 11% drop in page views and 16% in customer satisfaction, according to Aberdeen Group ;
  • According to research by Kissmetrics, 40% of visitors abandon pages that take more than 3 seconds to load, and every 1 second or more in website load time reduces conversions by 7%;
  • 88% of users who had a bad experience when entering a website due to loading speed are less likely to buy. More than a third of those users will share their bad experiences with friends, an investigation by Econsultancy.
  • 85% of mobile device users expect the page to load at least as fast as the desktop, according to Web Performance Today.

Now that we know that website speed interferes with visitor engagement, conversion rate, and your organic rankings, let’s see how to measure your load to optimize!

What is the Ideal Charging Time?

According to Pingdom, which has a tool to measure websites’ Speed, the sites’ average loading time is 5 seconds. In the Google Site Performance for Webmasters video, Maile Ohye states that 2 seconds is the limit for good performance.

The specialist Geoff Kenyon also carried out an investigation in which he identified that, in the case that a website loads in 5 seconds, it is faster than approximately 25% of the internet; in 2.9 seconds, more than 50% of the network; already if it loads in 0.8 seconds, it is the fastest of that 94% of the entire web.

Despite the statistics cited, the short answer is: as fast as possible. We already know that your website’s loading time influences your results, so the idea is to optimize it to the maximum to keep the loading time to a minimum!

How to Measure the Speed of the Website?

We currently have several free tools where it is possible to measure the loading time of a page. It is also possible to see a diagnosis with the survey of problems and warnings to know how to optimize it. The most used tools are:

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights

The best known on the list, PageSpeed ​​Insights, is a tool in which, by entering a page’s link, it is possible to analyze the content and generate suggestions for the desktop and mobile versions.

Along with each improvement suggestion, the tool also shows how to apply it. Each direction remains classified as a priority indicator:

“You must correct”

highlighted in red, these are notices of improvements that, if applied, will generate more impact on the loading time of the page;

“Consider correcting”

highlighted in yellow, these are notices of improvements that do not influence much on the Speed of the page and should not remain prioritized;

“Approved in …”

highlighted in green, are the positive points of the page.

Despite being excellent at identifying and prioritizing problems, the tool does not detail the page load time. It does not record the number of page requests for loading, which are essential data for diagnosis.

It is trendy among marketers. GTmetrix is considered one of the best and most complete tools for evaluating a page’s loading time and identifying areas for improvement due to the ease of use and variety of data it presents.

Uses of Website Speed

The step by step to use the tool is very similar to that of Pagespeed Insights. Just enter it, including the link to the page you intend to analyze. And create the statement. The closer the test is to the public registry that documents the website, the better.

After including the link to the page and starting the report, the tool does a full analysis and presents various data on the next screen. At the top, it gives a summary with two scores in Performance Scores. One based on Pagespeed Insights and another on YSlow. A project that analyzes the Speed of pages based on the rules of high-performance sites from Yahoo. The scores presented are generally different, as the tools use other criteria to evaluate the page.

Similarly, in Pagespeed Insights, the scores’ colors determine the urgency of the scores. Still, we compare the average of websites analyzed. Even at the top of the report, next to the performance evaluation. The tool also presents the total time to load the page, the page’s size. And how many requests remain generated to load. Similarly to the performance scores. We also have arrows for up and down, indicating if it is above or below average.

At the bottom of the screen, several reports separated by guides remain presented. It is possible to identify the points that need to be corrected through them to reduce the page’s loading time.


Based on Pagespeed Insights. In this guide, you will find a complete report with all the points evaluated by the tool, ordered by priority. Here we can also see the grade awarded for each criterion according to the page analyzed. The type of configuration (if it is on the server, in the content, or a javascript, for example). Finally, what is the priority of that improvement?


Like the report presented in the PageSpeed ​​guide and organized by priority. It remains based on the criteria defined by Yslow.


Cascading report that visually presents the entire sequence of requests made to load the page. Each line represents a request, with its status, its weight. And the time it takes to load.


Presentation of a timeline of the page load. With the time each of the stages took to load. Redirect, connect, backend, TTFB (time to the first byte), first pain, DOM interactive, DOM content loaded, and Onload.


To have the video report, it is necessary to activate it and analyze the page again. The video report is nothing more than visualizing the page loading in practice, with the timed time and mapped timings.


Finally, we have graphs that accompany the page’s performance history to some of the data presented. Timings, page size, requests, and PageSpeed ​​and Yslow notes.

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What is Newsjacking, And How can you apply it?

What is Newsjacking, And How can you apply it?

Like all in life, marketing has had to progress and adapt to the trends of the moment.

Consumers behave differently, and with this, some dissemination strategies have become obsolete, and new and better have emerged, like this one that we want to display to you.

From a literal opinion of view, Newsjacking translates as “news hijacking,” and in preparation, it is a Digital Development technique that uses News and relevant News to spread or expose a brand or product.

Also read: Website Speed: Learn to Test and Make your Page Faster

How is the Process to Create a Newsjacking?

1. Look for the News of the Prompt

The first thing is that you necessity be observant of the whole thing in your environment to find information that is very relevant for Internet users and social networks.

For example, a concert, the end of a sports championship, a political event, or any event that attracts public attention.

2. Find the Connection amid the News and your Variety

Then, you have to generate and publish content that echoes this event and includes a brand message. For example, the perspective about an event, products, or services that resemble what happened.

Be creative and fast, not to lose your timing, and be very cautious with the tone you give it. Being moderate can prevent operators from rejecting your post.

3. Help it get into the Hands of Whoever can Spread it

Then the content spreads, but not by its hand, and it must be the news agencies who do this work.

How? As it is an occasion, many journalists will confidently be on the News, and some will want a different approach to it. Therefore, it is advisable to make it easier for professionals to access such gratification (we will express you below).

Now, surely you are wondering what this method contributes to your Incoming Marketing strategy. If so, don’t back away!

What Advantages does Newsjacking have?

The benefits of using Newsjacking are simple:

  • make content viral and reach thousands or hundreds of thousands of employers;
  • increase circulation scheduled your website;
  • gain a considerable number of followers on your social networks;
  • increase the number of leads, improve operators to an Email Marketing movement, among others.

So, Newsjacking remains a method that remains used to generate visits and traffic to your social platforms and website. Could you repeat that triggers the option of contacting users absorbed in your harvests or facilities?

Since you know the period by step to create it and the rewards that apply it to your Inbound Marketing strategy, it is necessary that you know what is behind the development of Newsjacking, that is, the Know-How.

Newsjacking Finest Practices

Learn to Identify Relevant News

The essential and most important article is to treasure an event that remains important for the masses related to your brand, which is of interest to your purchaser persona.

For this, it is necessary to conduct research and education approximately data:

user concerns within the setting in which the brand remains located;

upcoming events and which ones can be useful to spread the brand;

follow current information sources such as the broadcasting, news assistances, bloggers, between others;

Search and analyze the most popular drifts of the moment. Investigate trending subjects on Twitter, enter keywords in Google Trends to see the close of searches or YouTube Trends Map to know which videos are gaining notoriety on the stage.

In this way, you will know what remains existence discussed on the Internet at any given time, and you will be able to “catch” News that is booming and take advantage of the wave of attention that is existence publicly shared.

Get Journalists and Influencers Interested in your Content

After you have the material ready, the critical step is to reach the eyes of those who can banquet it more rapidly and efficiently.

Today journalists and influencers have the stages and the audience to cause content to go viral and remain exposed to thousands or even millions of people.

Some tips that you can follow to realize this level of diffusion are:

  • Publish in the blog and the online press room: Google and other search engines index in real-time, which could benefit you and position the search results’ content.
  • Alert the media: it is a good idea that when uploading material to the online press room, you send a notification or alert to the media to be alert.
  • Offer online media and influencers’ online statements: sometimes, content broadcasters cannot view or listen to your material. Placement, an online conference for them, allows them to watch it later.
  • Make direct contact: perhaps it is the easiest way to ensure that your content reaches their hands. It can remain done through Twitter or some other stage where they are connected, such as immediate messaging or email.

With any of these means, you can raise the chances that your material will be seen by these professionals and content creators and help you apply Newsjacking effectively.

That’s it!

Newsjacking is a beautiful technique to position and presents your brand in front of thousands of people on the web and social networks.

Remember, you need to be quick, creative, use communication resources to please the audience, and take care of your tone when dealing with sensitive topics.

If you learn to apply it effectively, you will attract many users to your social platforms, website, and blog, which will increase the number of visitors and the chances of conversion.

Marketing Strategies for Small Business Growth

Small Business Growth

Small Business Growth – The marketplace is an ever-evolving landscape where small businesses must adapt or risk obsolescence. Staying ahead of the curve with cutting-edge marketing strategies is essential to capture the fleeting attention of potential customers. This blog post will shine a light on a few innovative marketing tactics that small businesses can employ to grow their customer base and expand their reach in today’s competitive environment.

Building a Community Around Your Brand

Modern marketing transcends mere transactions; it’s about forging connections and creating a community that resonates with your brand’s ethos. Small businesses can leverage social media platforms to interact directly with their audience, fostering a sense of loyalty and engagement that goes beyond the product or service being sold. By curating valuable content and encouraging user participation through contests or featured stories, businesses transform customers into brand ambassadors.

Integrating an Event Registration Tool to Enhance Marketing Efforts

Small businesses often host events as a way to engage with their community, launch new products, or provide value through educational opportunities. Using an event registration tool can streamline the process, making it easier for customers to sign up and for businesses to manage attendance. This digital solution can also aid in gathering data for future marketing strategies and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Hyper-Local Social Media Targeting

For small businesses with a focus on local clientele, hyper-local targeting on social media can be a goldmine. Strategies such as geotagging and local hashtags can help businesses become visible to a community-based audience. Moreover, local partnerships and influencers can extend the reach, bringing an even more focused demographic into the fold with special promotions or events dedicated to the local market.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

In the digital age, customers trust the voice of fellow consumers far more than corporate messaging. Small businesses can tap into this trust by encouraging user-generated content (UGC). UGC not only provides authentic marketing material but also endears existing customers to the brand, as they see their contributions valued and showcased. A strategy centered on UGC can drive engagement and create a more relatable image for your business.

Adopting Responsive Marketing Techniques

In an era where market trends can change at lightning speed, the ability of a business to be responsive can give it a competitive edge. Agile marketing strategies enable small businesses to quickly adapt their campaigns to take advantage of new trends, shifts in consumer behavior, or emerging technologies. This responsive approach means companies can remain relevant and active in the public eye, capitalizing on real-time marketing opportunities that may arise from current events or changes in the marketplace.

Personalization at Scale

Data-driven personalization allows businesses to tailor their marketing efforts to suit individual preferences. This strategy, once the domain of larger corporations, has become accessible to smaller players thanks to technological advancements. Through personalized emails, targeted promotions, and dynamic website content, small businesses can make each customer feel uniquely catered to; thus deepening the relationship and increasing the likelihood of repeat business.

Education-Based Marketing

Another path for small businesses to captivate an audience is to educate rather than just sell. By sharing expertise through webinars, how-to guides, and informative blog posts, businesses can position themselves as thought leaders in their industry. This strategy not only garners respect and trust from consumers but also increases brand visibility through the value provided in the educational content.

Exploring Collaborative Marketing Ventures

Cross-promotion and collaborative efforts with other businesses can open new channels of growth for small enterprises. By partnering with companies offering complementary products or services, businesses can tap into each other’s customer bases, sharing exposure and maximizing their marketing potential. Collaborative marketing ventures can take many forms, from simple referral agreements to complex joint campaigns, each offering its own set of benefits and opportunities for expanding reach and enhancing brand reputation.

Utilizing Analytics for Insightful Decision-Making

The power of data analytics cannot be overstated in the context of small business marketing. By analyzing customer behavior, purchase patterns, and engagement metrics, businesses can make informed decisions that boost marketing efficacy. Small businesses can utilize analytics to pinpoint the most effective marketing channels, optimize their advertising spend, and identify areas for improvement. Analytics serve as the compass that guides marketing strategies in the right direction, ensuring that every effort is data-backed and targeting the right audience.


Small Business Growth – The arena of small business marketing is ripe with opportunities for growth and innovation. By building a community, embracing user-generated content, targeting localities on social media, personalizing customer experiences, and educating consumers, small businesses can unlock new avenues for expansion and customer loyalty. With these strategies, a small business can stand tall among competitors, enthralling an audience eager for a personal touch in an increasingly impersonal digital marketplace.

Templates for Social Networks: and it’s Elements

Templates for Social Networks: and it's Elements

Templates for Social Networks

There are countless social media templates online, but very few offer the flexibility and ease of use necessary to keep pace with an ever-evolving social strategy. Based on this, we have isolated the fundamental elements of an excellent template for social media plans to help you achieve a lasting presence on different channels.

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Consistency is Essential in a Social Media Strategy

According to data from the CMO Survey, spending on social media remains expected to double by 2023 practically. Those involved in marketing are well aware of the value of being present on social media, although this increase in spending does not always translate into a more lucrative strategy.

A quick Google search can show you hundreds of cases of prominent social media gaffes featuring big brands. These problems are always there, and it is not uncommon to see why: when you share content on a social network, you expose yourself to the scrutiny of thousands, if not millions, of customers. A consistent quality content level is critical to reaping the benefits and avoiding the road’s pitfalls to building a thriving social media presence.

So some experts now say that the time has come to go back to the basics of social media strategies to redefine priorities and create an improved context for growth. Your social media strategy must

remain put up on a solid foundation to ensure that all content adheres to quality, tone, and style guidelines, regardless of the number of followers.

It can be a bit prodigious but don’t worry. Whether you’re modernizing existing processes or creating a new strategy, a social media template can help you get on the right track.

How Social Media Templates Help You

Taking advantage of a social network strategy does not take precisely little time, resources, and planning, especially if your team does not have a social media manager dedicated exclusively to it.

A consistent social media template that can grow with your fan base will keep your efforts rooted in best practices and ensure a high-quality level across channels. That’s why we’ve created a reliable and flexible template to help you make your audience with ease.

Essential Elements of the Best Social Media Templates

To deliver consistent social media campaigns, you will need a combination of the following features:

  • Organized folders and projects to store work
  • A calendar template for social media for posts
  • Visibility of campaigns and broader organizational efforts
  • A social media template for reporting with data and analytics
  • Task automation for recurring jobs

1. Organized Folders and Projects to Store Work

As any social media manager can attest, it’s easy to lose social content thread if you write a dozen posts a day. With an organized filing structure, you can create specific folders or projects for each campaign you run, compiling key objectives, details, and content, all in one place. It is critical to enjoying a single data source or central information location designed to coordinate an overall strategy.

Research has found that less than half of an organization’s data remains actively used to make decisions. By organizing your work for social media into standalone projects, you can quickly search and access parameters from previous campaigns, thereby ensuring the consistency of the brand’s voice and identifying the best strategies.

2. Calendar Template for Social Media

A content posting calendar is a critical piece of a scalable social media template. Viewing your publishing schedule on a calendar ensures that you have an even distribution of scheduled content for each day of the week.

While some of the produced content can remain planned, a fundamental aspect of managing social media is knowing how to react to real-time events and conversations. For this reason, the most effective social media calendars are flexible, allowing you to plan as well as leaving room for last-minute changes.

3. Visibility into the Broader Organization Work and Campaigns

The most effective social media strategies remain based on a combination of content from the product, marketing, event teams, and other internal teams to drive broader business goals.  Your social media template should provide visibility into the priorities of other internal teams.

You may remain seduced by the idea of ​​creating your social media plan on the confines of an Excel sheet. But, when your organization begins to grow, you have more difficulties with access to information. And its introduction in real-time on social networks. That’s why you’ll want a social media template that improves cross-team visibility with shared calendars and other collaborative features.

4. Social Media Report Template

When you’ve applied your social media strategy. You’ll want to start tracking key metrics to assess their performance and respond to broader trends. According to social media expert Dr. Jenn Deering Davis, these are the main parameters you should control:

  • Volume – including brand conversations and followers
  • Scope: including organic impressions and paid posts
  • Engagement: including likes, comments, and shares
  • Influence: including influence score and share capital
  • Share of voice: including conversations and traction from the competition

Beyond the performance parameters, you will also want to consider those that evaluate your execution’s success. How many social media campaigns stood launched on time compared to those that stood delayed? How many hours did you expend writing the new content? These parameters can help you link your performance to broader business goals.

5. Automating Recurring Tasks

A recent survey found that 91% of marketers agree that automation is critical to cross-channel marketing efforts. And also they are not wrong: modern technology can now automate up to 45% of existing work processes.

Although social media management systems allow you to schedule posts between several different platforms easily. You also want a system that automates these posts’ campaigns and strategies. With a dedicated social media plan template that includes automation features, you’ll stop worrying about administrative maintenance so much. And focus more on executing your best strategy.

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Strategies for Bootstrapping Your Startup

Bootstrapping Your Startup

Starting a business can be an exhilarating journey, yet securing funding is often the biggest hurdle entrepreneurs face. Bootstrapping, or funding your startup without significant external capital, is a viable and rewarding approach. This article delves into a few innovative strategies for bootstrapping your startup, providing you with savvy ways to fuel your dream with limited resources.

Service-to-Product Transformation

Starting with a service-oriented approach can lead to product innovation. Many successful startups first offered their expertise as a service, which allowed them to understand market needs intimately. This hands-on experience can be funneled into designing products that address real-world problems, leveraging customer feedback without the initial heavy investment into product development.

Content Marketing Mastery

Content is king in the digital age, and mastering content marketing can elevate your startup’s visibility without breaking the bank. By producing valuable, engaging content, you can attract and retain a clearly defined audience. Clever content marketing isn’t just about being prolific; it’s about being strategic and playing with different mediums—blog posts, podcasts, videos—to bolster your brand presence organically. An adept SEO company North Sydney can further amplify your content reach, ensuring you connect with your target demographic effectively.

Strategic Partnerships and Bartering

Networking isn’t just for finding customers; it can also be about finding allies. Forming strategic partnerships with other businesses allows for the exchange of services, resources, and expertise without the immediate cash outlay. This mutual back-scratching technique—bartering your strengths with others—can be a playful yet professional way to expand your business capabilities and reach.

Product Presales

Launching your startup with a bang can begin by selling your product before it is fully developed. Product presales are an excellent way to gauge customer interest and generate early revenue. Many customers can be enticed by the opportunity to get a product before it’s widely available to all consumers. By offering early adopters special perks or pricing, you can gather funds to fuel product development and establish a dedicated customer base from the get-go.

Utilizing Open-Source Tools

One cost-effective strategy for bootstrapping is to utilize open-source tools whenever possible. These resources can decrease or eliminate software costs and provide your startup with flexibility and scalability. By leveraging communities of developers who are continuously improving these tools, you can maintain a competitive edge with a lower financial burden and contribute back to the community with any enhancements you make.

Lean Business Operations

‘Lean’ is more than a buzzword; it’s a principle that can safeguard your startup’s resources. Embrace frugality and agility in your business operations by keeping the overhead low and operations flexible. This minimalist approach involves remote work setups, shared office spaces, and versatile team roles, ensuring that every dollar spent is an investment in growth, not excess.


Crowdsourcing can be another creative means to advance your startup. It’s not limited just to funding; businesses can also crowdsource ideas, content, and even labor. By tapping into the collective intelligence of a crowd, you create opportunities for innovation while spreading your operational efforts. Platforms designed for this purpose can help you harness the creativity and skills of a global workforce.

Fiscal Prudence

Sound financial management is critical for a bootstrapped startup. Carefully monitoring cash flow, cutting unnecessary expenses, and continually optimizing your business model for profitability are fundamental tenets of fiscal prudence. Being thrifty doesn’t mean being cheap; it means understanding the value and return on each expenditure. A bootstrapped business that cultivates financial discipline lays the foundation for sustainable long-term growth.


Bootstrapping your startup doesn’t mean going it alone; it means being strategic, resourceful, and a bit playful with your resources. By implementing these innovative strategies, you can foster a self-sustaining business primed for growth. While it may require more creativity and effort, the rewards of bootstrapping leave you with a startup that is thoroughly yours, every step of the way. Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient, take on any challenges as they come, and keep pushing forward. It may be hard work, but that’s what makes the payoff worth it.

Top Tools and Technologies to Influence Analytics

Top Tools and Technologies to Influence Analytics

Data analysis always gives ultimate result in some definite terms. Different methods, resources, and methods can help in information dissection, developing it into workable insights.

Big Data analysis systems:

Open source systems like R, with its rapid mature ecosystem and Python, with its scikit-learn libraries and pandas; appear stand for continuing their control over the analytics space. Particularly, some projects in the Python ecosystem appear mature for fast adoption: Big data  foundation and practitioner course with most experienced professionals help you to grow your career.

Anaconda python:

These days, data scientists work with lots of data sources, ranging from SQL databases and CSV files to Apache Hadoop clusters. The expression engine of blaze helps data scientists utilize a constant API for working with a complete range of data sources, brightening the cognitive load needed by utilization of different systems.

Of course, Python and R ecosystems are just the beginning, for the Apache Spark system is also appearing increasing adoption – not least as it provides APIs in R and also in Python.

Launching on a usual trend of utilizing open source networks, we can also predict for seeing a move towards the approaches based on distribution. For example, Anaconda Python provides an equal distribution for both R and Python, and Canopy provides only a Python distribution suited for data science. And no one will be surprised if they see the integration of analytics software like python or R in a common database.

Beyond open source systems, a developing body of tools also helps business users communicate with prince2 foundation and practitioner course directly while helps them form guided data analysis and project management. These tools attempt for abstracting the data science procedure away from the user. Though this approach is still immature, it provides what seems for being a very potential system for data analysis.

Going forward, we expect that tools of data and analytics will see the rapid application in mainstream business procedures, and we anticipate this use for guiding companies towards a data-driven approach for making decisions. For now, we need to keep our eyes on the previous tools, as we don’t want to miss seeing how they reshape the data’s world.

So, encounter the strength of Apache Spark in an integrated growth ambiance for data science. Also, experience the data science by joining data science certification training course for exploring how both R and Spark can be used for building the applications of your own data science. So, this was the complete overview on the top tools and technologies which dominate the analytics space in 2016.

The author is a famous data analyst who writes blogs and articles to deliver the benefits of data science certification training course in India.

Custom Web Design vs Web Templates

Custom Web Design vs Web Templates - World Marketing Tips

Web Design vs Web Templates

When you consider generating a new website, your determination quickly faces a major dilemma. Are you going to go for an existing web template as the basis for your new site, or will you go for a custom web design? A tough question if you can’t assess the difference between the two options. But don’t apprehension, in this article, we will tell you exactly what are the benefits and drawbacks of both options.

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 What is the Main Difference?

Let’s start by clarifying the main difference between creating a website from mark and using an existing pattern.

A template is an existing presentation in which the plan and part of the website’s functionality are permanent. This web template remain linked to a Content Management System (CMS), such as WordPress, to create a complete site. However, not all templates are 100% responsive.

With a custom website, first of all, you create a unique design . It is followed by the website’s technical realization, where the procedure is combined with the desired functions. A custom-designed website is also equipped with a CMS (Content Management System), for example, CMS Made Simple.

 Pros and Cons of Website Templates

The easiest way to create a website is to install WordPress and apply a theme purchased from ThemeForest, Elegant Themes or Template Monster. These sites offer a wide variety of templates that have been created for different purposes. Think of an e-commerce website or a marketplace; there are themes of all kinds available for purchase.

One of the biggest advantages of web templates remain that the site can be made relatively quickly at an attractive price. The best templates or premium themes remain usually equipped with extensive possibilities to determine the website’s design. Additional features such as the contact form and social media buttons remain typically included by default.

However, this solution also has some disadvantages. First of all, the design is not unique. So your competitors can create a comparable website using the same template. By spread over your corporate style, you can offer something different from the rest, but not much more than adjusting the colours, fonts, or logos. That is basic changes.

Another disadvantage is that templates tend to have a slow charging speed. It is the direct significance of the abundance of functionalities. Even when excessive functions are disabled, the loading speed is not optimal. It can negatively affect SEO, as Google and other search engines rank the fastest websites in search results. Besides, it is also more pleasant for the visitor if the website responds quickly.

Pros and Cons of Custom Web Design

Custom designed websites have a team that is behind the whole concept of your website. They will help you go through the creative process to reach your target audience with the right structures and design. The biggest advantage of a custom web project is that it will help your website stand out from the crowd, giving you a competitive advantage. It also has its benefits at the SEO level since personalized websites are more search engine friendly than web templates.

A personalized website remain not only better adapted to the needs of your business. But it also offers you the opportunity to integrate the corporate identity of your company. Also, the website can remain expanded in terms of functions as your business grows. For instance, if you want to connect your website to a database on an external system later, Plano web design can ensure flexibility and scalability in meeting your evolving requirements. In this case, a template will have its limitations.

Developing a custom web design requires knowledge and experience. That is why this option is more expensive than buying a ready-to-use template. It also takes more time to create a website from scratch due to the complex development process and the custom UX and UI. In return, you will get an authentic website with a design that fits perfectly.

 How to Make the Right Decision?

Nowadays, we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of both options. The question is which solution best suits your company. The choice between a web template and a custom web design is often based on the available budget. However, we recommend that you determine which of the other aspects are important to your business.

In reality, we see that small entrepreneurs and freelancers more frequently decide on a web template and that it is enough for them. Larger organizations and companies generally need more customization and flexibility.

Also read : How to be Famous on Tumblr?

5 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

5 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence remains to change the present and the future, not only in Digital Marketing. Sure, you have heard about it, but do you know what it is? We have some examples at our fingertips, such as Siri, such as automatic translators, or even the Social Networks that we consume daily. All of them consume powerful Artificial Intelligence engines that assistance them provide us with relevant content every day.

Artificial Intelligence is transforming how we perceive opportunities in the digital world to collect large amounts of information and then learn from them. The challenge is to harness it: as it progresses, so can improve our Digital Marketing strategies. Investing in an AI-powered digital marketing course can be your gateway to leveraging the potential of Artificial Intelligence for enhanced targeting, personalized campaigns, and better ROI in your digital marketing efforts.

According to a new Business Insider report, 50% of marketers currently use Artificial Intelligence in their strategy, while another 27% intend to incorporate the technology soon. Where are you?

Also read: What is a Pillar Page? And How it Impacts SEO?

What is Artificial Intelligence

Before continuing, let me share a more accurate definition.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad branch of computer technology that builds intelligent engines capable of performing tasks through human intelligence simulation. It is an interdisciplinary science that studies machine learning and deep learning to automate routine operational tasks applied to various industries.

Artificial Intelligence systems are essential for companies that want to extract value from the data they obtain. And they do it by automating and optimizing processes or producing actionable information.

Marketing tools that use Artificial Intelligence allow you to take advantage of large amounts of available data to discover ideas and patterns that, otherwise, would be impossible to identify or that would take a long time to process.

How it can remain applied in Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence moves beyond pure data analysis. Their evolution is rapidly heading towards their generation, as science redefines machines’ ability to make better decisions.

For many years, Marketing specialists hesitated to apply Artificial Intelligence to their Marketing Strategies. The reasons? There was ignorance, fears, uncertainty about its results, and so on. But now, many brands have incorporated it into their decision-making processes. The experience of large brands such as Mercado Libre, Amazon, or Spotify shows that this technology’s application tends to increase the ROI of stocks significantly.

For example, Amazon uses AI to show only relevant products to shoppers based on previous searches, purchases, and visits. It increases the likelihood that an operator will make an initial purchase or become a repeat customer, thanks to those suggestions.

If you are using Doppler or another Marketing automation tool, you have probably created segmented campaigns or automation based on user behavior. This functionality works with the processing of large volumes of information in real-time and allows you to optimize your email flows.

Artificial Intelligence as part of Digital Marketing is now a reality. It offers various benefits and options that we can use to be more accurate in developing our marketing strategy.

Let’s see what the main trends from which we could benefit in the short term are:

 1 Chatbot

Within the Artificial Intelligence of a Chatbot is machine learning or Machine Learning and what is known as Natural Language Processing (NLP). It can remain applied in different fields to create Chatbot algorithms and detect conversations by mimicking human conversation.

With the advances in Artificial Intelligence and the rapid growth of messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Chatbots are increasingly necessary for many industries, facilitating the communication process throughout the entire Customer Journey, especially in Support areas.To check out the best chatbots currently on the market we suggest checking out Truely for more information on them.

 2 Voice Search

Voice search and the algorithm of Google and RankBrain have been the significant advances in AI in recent times. Other innovations that remain widely used include the Amazon Echo, Google Home, Siri, and Cortana. All these engines help users to search through a voice command.

The way users search for content has changed. Therefore it is also necessary for Marketing specialists to optimize the content on our SEO-oriented site and start thinking about Voice Search Marketing strategies.

 3 Content creation

Creating quality content is difficult and time-consuming; we know it! But Artificial Intelligence can train engines to deliver highly personalized and engaging content optimized for conversion. They can learn from our users’ preferences and generate material according to their tastes, interests, and interactions.

Artificial Intelligence can determine the optimal combination of different content types and reduce the time and resources required to create your Campaigns. It could also deliver a unique experience to each of our users, thus increasing all our Email Marketing metrics.

 4 Digital Advertising

Systems powered by Artificial Intelligence can automate creating ads and running our Campaigns based on our goals. Some of the possible applications that are already existence used today are:

Execution (Performance) and investment optimization

Ad Platforms or Ad Platforms.

Audience segmentation and tracking.

 5 Data-Driven Marketing

With the emergence of the streamlining and complexity of Artificial Intelligence engines, different platforms have emerged that help the Marketing professional’s work. They are mainly analyzing and executing actions due to the great collection of information from other channels.

Let’s think about all the information available from our users that we are not using. Behavior on the site, tastes and preferences, demographics, purchase history, applications you use, and many more. Now let’s think about analyzing and crossing all this information to obtain data. That helps us make decisions and plan our marketing strategy.

Also read: What is SEO in Digital Marketing? And Its Factors?